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oh em gee the suspense is killing me


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What does that mean exactly, you are too smart for us to comprehend you stud. :guyfromhell:


It means I'll be telling traders on Wall Street and financial analysts in Singapore to update the BIOS on their mobo's when they have a problem :push:

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Are you serious? What the hell...lol


Lol that was a reference to Wild Bill's comp problem thread you boob :drankbeer:



It means I'll be telling traders on Wall Street and financial analysts in Singapore to update the BIOS on their mobo's when they have a problem what happened to their $$$ when it got lost within a bazillion trades or when they sent it to the wrong account, and what type of system we are going to implement to make sure it doesn't happen again.

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Lol that was a reference to Wild Bill's comp problem thread you boob :drankbeer:



It means I'll be telling traders on Wall Street and financial analysts in Singapore to update the BIOS on their mobo's when they have a problem what happened to their $$$ when it got lost within a bazillion trades or when they sent it to the wrong account, and what type of system we are going to implement to make sure it doesn't happen again.


Oh okay...I get it :cheers:


Hmmm....the updating bios's thing sounded more interesting :mybad:

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