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Never trust a hippie


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1. Abuser name: Never trust a hippie

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:26807077

3. What sever: Jailbreak

4. About what time: 1:30-3:00 AM PST

5. PROOF: (See screens, demos)

6. Please tell us your side of the story. It helps us understand what happened during this time.








6: My side of the story? Well, what's there to tell? All night "hippie" (that's what he's usually called) kept free-slaying, giving orders against MOTD, switching players for no reason, ignoring Lead CT's orders (as a CT himself), and free-slappying for no reason. He was arguementative and wouldnt' be quite during Lead CT's orders, I told him to "shut up" so I could give clear orders and he threated to ban me several times for telling him to shut up (he never actually does it, but god...really?). He also harassed another admin by the name of "Jason" and you'll see that in the screenshot where he slayed "Jason" and then immediately logged off.


Edited by Slazenger
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I was in the server at the time some of this was going on.


I really don't know what was going on, I was to busy having my own arguement (Why i don't play Jailbreak)

The order Knife war day in the knife area, We all went there other than Hippie and some other guy, they camped Obstacle, We all got killed, the t's then Ran to obstacle and all got killed by Hippie, Hippie was then slain, by Jason W or something like that, Then Hippie Slayed him and they argue'ed eventually i just told them both to Shut up and take it to the forums.

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I was in the server at the time some of this was going on.


I really don't know what was going on, I was to busy having my own arguement (Why i don't play Jailbreak)

The order Knife war day in the knife area, We all went there other than Hippie and some other guy, they camped Obstacle, We all got killed, the t's then Ran to obstacle and all got killed by Hippie, Hippie was then slain, by Jason W or something like that, Then Hippie Slayed him and they argue'ed eventually i just told them both to Shut up and take it to the forums.


I honestly thought I had that demo, but I screwed up with the name and recorded over that, but I DID witness that and it DID piss me off that it happened too.

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Here is the screenshot of me showing that I slayed him for freekilling the previous round (when it was warday in knife arena) he was camping obstacle. He then retaliated in some sort of rage.




Here is another screenshot of when I killed when the orders were "all t's freeze no armory" he then moved 4 seconds later. So I killed him, he then rage quited by slaying me then disconnecting straight after without an explanation.


Screenshot: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/k7/hippeabuse1.jpg

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alrighty i feel like we're going to have to impose a new rule for evidence, if your going to post demos that long provide tick numbers because i just wasted 26 minutes watching them for small incidents.


now as for the first demo where he was in obstacle course:

when you give a warday cts have to listen to you, otherwise if they are caught outside the designated area they are allowed to be killed without any retalliation. This means cts may run around if they want they just cant fight back, Hippie however had last ct.

Also Jason, seriously? you unmuted yourself to call him an idiot? are YOU an idiot? you instigated and that first demo was more incriminating for you then hippie.

now for the second demo:

i'm rather mad that you made me watch that whole friggin demo for that one part where hippie was slapping rss who seemd to have asked for it, though it did flood chat.

demo 3:

probably the only demo that should have actually been submited, since he should not have teamswitched you because you didn't want to lead a round. and as for the slaying of Jason i will let him post his reason though it does not look good that he left right after

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alrighty i feel like we're going to have to impose a new rule for evidence, if your going to post demos that long provide tick numbers because i just wasted 26 minutes watching them for small incidents.


now as for the first demo where he was in obstacle course:

when you give a warday cts have to listen to you, otherwise if they are caught outside the designated area they are allowed to be killed without any retalliation. This means cts may run around if they want they just cant fight back, Hippie however had last ct.

Also Jason, seriously? you unmuted yourself to call him an idiot? are YOU an idiot? you instigated and that first demo was more incriminating for you then hippie.

now for the second demo:

i'm rather mad that you made me watch that whole friggin demo for that one part where hippie was slapping rss who seemd to have asked for it, though it did flood chat.

demo 3:

probably the only demo that should have actually been submited, since he should not have teamswitched you because you didn't want to lead a round. and as for the slaying of Jason i will let him post his reason though it does not look good that he left right after


I'm sorry. I honestly have no clue how to "check ticks" to tell you what part of the demo it was. And, I submitted all 3 because I couldn't remember which was which because it was 2-3 in the morning and I was a bit tired at the time.

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I'm sorry. I honestly have no clue how to "check ticks" to tell you what part of the demo it was. And, I submitted all 3 because I couldn't remember which was which because it was 2-3 in the morning and I was a bit tired at the time.


no biggie, just for future reference. but to find tics you must review your demo and then hit SHIFT+F2 and a little menu pops up showing the tic numbers of the demo, it also lets you fast forward rewind and change the speed at which the demo is playing out

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6: My side of the story? Well, what's there to tell? All night "hippie" (that's what he's usually called) kept free-slaying, giving orders against MOTD, switching players for no reason, ignoring Lead CT's orders (as a CT himself), and free-slappying for no reason. He was arguementative and wouldnt' be quite during Lead CT's orders, I told him to "shut up" so I could give clear orders and he threated to ban me several times for telling him to shut up (he never actually does it, but god...really?). He also harassed another admin by the name of "Jason" and you'll see that in the screenshot where he slayed "Jason" and then immediately logged off.


when you give a warday cts have to listen to you, otherwise if they are caught outside the designated area they are allowed to be killed without any retalliation. This means cts may run around if they want they just cant fight back, Hippie however had last ct.

Also Jason, seriously? you unmuted yourself to call him an idiot? are YOU an idiot? you instigated and that first demo was more incriminating for you then hippie.

now for the second demo:

i'm rather mad that you made me watch that whole friggin demo for that one part where hippie was slapping rss who seemd to have asked for it, though it did flood chat.

demo 3:

probably the only demo that should have actually been submited, since he should not have teamswitched you because you didn't want to lead a round. and as for the slaying of Jason i will let him post his reason though it does not look good that he left right after


As far as the wardays from siphead go, theres nothing in the motd(as far as I know) that says I have to listen to a CT and take CT orders on where to go. I didn't enjoy playing warday (glorified freeday) every round by -hg- Siphead "Siphaed" (that's what he's usually called). It takes no creativity. When Jason joined the server I was last ct. I didn't and don't shoot anybody until im last CT, even then just to be nice I didn't kill the non-rebels.


When you say I was giving orders against the motd your gonna have to be more specific because I don't know what you are talking about at all.


As far as the switching players. Well when i joined there was maybe 5 CT's. I unmuted myself when it was LR and kindly asked if there was any CT's without a mic. 2 CT's said "I don't" and I said "Okay thanks I'm gonna swap one of you for me". I swapped the first guy that typed "I don't" and replaced him with myself. Often times when the server is small a thing will happen where there will be a good amount of T's to CT's, then some T's will leave making the teams unfair or even. Sometimes teamswitch is used by me to even teams and yes sometimes I unmute myself to ask a question about the game when it is LR as Im lazy with typing sometimes and usually people respond better to voice rather than type.


As for the "Free slapping" as siphead called it. I think you may have admin envy. Im sorry if I flooded chat for a second but nothing important was happening. Just get admin then you too can have fun at times when its not distrupting (like LR!). I know it's called Jailbreak but its not an actual jail and doesn't need to be run like one, there can be fun had by people. Noone is ever slapped by me in anger. Also thank you for adding the word "free" in front of slap as to imply that it abuse... nice try


"He was arguementative" I was arguementative?!? you took the time to make a QQ thread. But seriously, Siphead and Jason form this sort of whiney duo when together. Its hard enough having a player/s question everything you do as admin trying to be the admin police, but when another admin starts also it becomes a nightmare. When things were getting out of hand with us and Bone and his rage (admins are yelling looking bad) thing I took a step back and tried to calm things down by talking to the admins and informing them that we need to work with eachother and not against and that we are looking like noob admins. It seemed to work for a minute. But the questioning, argueing and nitpicking never did stop for good.


As for switching Siphead... So, being a whiney person the whole night and being a CT the whole night giving mostly freedays (warday), when he said he did not want to lead I thought "thank god" and swapped him so someone more creative (anyone) and less annoying (anyone) could be CT. After all, the commands are there for me to use to make the game more enjoyable and that is what I frequently do.


Slaying Jason was mainly because when I entered the teleport at the beginning of the round before the "No armoury" command was given and someone said freeze, it may have took 1/2 half a second for me to freeze but he decided to be a jerk at 4:00 am and kill me when I stood there frozen. The last thing I heard was 3 CT's saying "why did you kill him, slay yourself and someone said "I love hardass CT's at 4 in the morning" sarcastically. I always allow maybe 2 seconds for voice delay and I know I was killed way too fast. I also believe Jason killed me for freezing because he wanted to, because he does not like most other people. I believe he may be racist against americans also.


Jason and Siphead do more than their part to disrupt and annoy players and admins and screech the games and fun to a halt by complaining and arguing constantly. Im glad Jason is no longer an admin but he continues to be rude and insult. Countless warnings were given just last night even to stop arguing with me and being a pest. If he keeps pestering me over the mic and in chat and keeps insulting me verbally, admin action (ban time) will now be taken.


Thanks for reading this novel.


*EDIT= As Jason is no longer a part of HG could a staff member please remove his "HeLLsGamers Clan Recruit" tag off his forum name.

Also If Jason has something against you DO NOT join his server. He asked me to join his server the other night, I checked and it was just him and another guy in there and im 99% sure it was a trap to crash me with opening up 10,000 ie windows or worse.

Edited by Never trust a hippie
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Jason and Siphead do more than their part to disrupt and annoy players and admins and screech the games and fun to a halt by complaining and arguing constantly. Im glad Jason is no longer an admin but he continues to be rude and insult. Countless warnings were given just last night even to stop arguing with me and being a pest. If he keeps pestering me over the mic and in chat and keeps insulting me verbally, admin action (ban time) will now be taken.


Thanks for giving me a reason to buy admin again.


Slaying Jason was mainly because when I entered the teleport at the beginning of the round before the "No armoury" command was given and someone said freeze, it may have took 1/2 half a second for me to freeze but he decided to be a jerk at 4:00 am and kill me when I stood there frozen. The last thing I heard was 3 CT's saying "why did you kill him, slay yourself and someone said "I love hardass CT's at 4 in the morning" sarcastically. I always allow maybe 2 seconds for voice delay and I know I was killed way too fast. I also believe Jason killed me for freezing because he wanted to, because he does not like most other people. I believe he may be racist against americans also.


If you knew what racism is, you could of backed up the racism claim.


You know for fact you freeslayed by disconnecting straight after because you're angry over a game.



Edited by Jason W
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As far as the wardays from siphead go, theres nothing in the motd(as far as I know) that says I have to listen to a CT and take CT orders on where to go. I didn't enjoy playing warday (glorified freeday) every round by -hg- Siphead "Siphaed" (that's what he's usually called). It takes no creativity. When Jason joined the server I was last ct. I didn't and don't shoot anybody until im last CT, even then just to be nice I didn't kill the non-rebels.


When you say I was giving orders against the motd your gonna have to be more specific because I don't know what you are talking about at all.


As far as the switching players. Well when i joined there was maybe 5 CT's. I unmuted myself when it was LR and kindly asked if there was any CT's without a mic. 2 CT's said "I don't" and I said "Okay thanks I'm gonna swap one of you for me". I swapped the first guy that typed "I don't" and replaced him with myself. Often times when the server is small a thing will happen where there will be a good amount of T's to CT's, then some T's will leave making the teams unfair or even. Sometimes teamswitch is used by me to even teams and yes sometimes I unmute myself to ask a question about the game when it is LR as Im lazy with typing sometimes and usually people respond better to voice rather than type.


As for the "Free slapping" as siphead called it. I think you may have admin envy. Im sorry if I flooded chat for a second but nothing important was happening. Just get admin then you too can have fun at times when its not distrupting (like LR!). I know it's called Jailbreak but its not an actual jail and doesn't need to be run like one, there can be fun had by people. Noone is ever slapped by me in anger. Also thank you for adding the word "free" in front of slap as to imply that it abuse... nice try


"He was arguementative" I was arguementative?!? you took the time to make a QQ thread. But seriously, Siphead and Jason form this sort of whiney duo when together. Its hard enough having a player/s question everything you do as admin trying to be the admin police, but when another admin starts also it becomes a nightmare. When things were getting out of hand with us and Bone and his rage (admins are yelling looking bad) thing I took a step back and tried to calm things down by talking to the admins and informing them that we need to work with eachother and not against and that we are looking like noob admins. It seemed to work for a minute. But the questioning, argueing and nitpicking never did stop for good.


As for switching Siphead... So, being a whiney person the whole night and being a CT the whole night giving mostly freedays (warday), when he said he did not want to lead I thought "thank god" and swapped him so someone more creative (anyone) and less annoying (anyone) could be CT. After all, the commands are there for me to use to make the game more enjoyable and that is what I frequently do.


Slaying Jason was mainly because when I entered the teleport at the beginning of the round before the "No armoury" command was given and someone said freeze, it may have took 1/2 half a second for me to freeze but he decided to be a jerk at 4:00 am and kill me when I stood there frozen. The last thing I heard was 3 CT's saying "why did you kill him, slay yourself and someone said "I love hardass CT's at 4 in the morning" sarcastically. I always allow maybe 2 seconds for voice delay and I know I was killed way too fast. I also believe Jason killed me for freezing because he wanted to, because he does not like most other people. I believe he may be racist against americans also.


Jason and Siphead do more than their part to disrupt and annoy players and admins and screech the games and fun to a halt by complaining and arguing constantly. Im glad Jason is no longer an admin but he continues to be rude and insult. Countless warnings were given just last night even to stop arguing with me and being a pest. If he keeps pestering me over the mic and in chat and keeps insulting me verbally, admin action (ban time) will now be taken.


Thanks for reading this novel.


*EDIT= As Jason is no longer a part of HG could a staff member please remove his "HeLLsGamers Clan Recruit" tag off his forum name.

Also If Jason has something against you DO NOT join his server. He asked me to join his server the other night, I checked and it was just him and another guy in there and im 99% sure it was a trap to crash me with opening up 10,000 ie windows or worse.



I feel the need to rebut these "lies" and claims of falseness. First off, Jason is not or was not my friend. He sent me a friends invite that day to send me some PMs and answer a question or two; but I also have/has a friend invite of almost every HG member that I've played with on a server (almost because Slaz and Crosshairs still haven't sent me one yet :( ).


Yes, I'm a bit annoying and a bit nitpicky, I admit that. But, also look at the big picture: The CT's orders SUCK!, so I've got to be anal to them to show how much their orders suck and how many loopholes there are that I can exploit. After all, the aim of the game is for the T's to rebel and escape, and I use theoretical loopholes to do it (most of which get me shot in the process). When I'm on CT, I give anal orders because I know out of the 20 some odd T's there's got to be someone with the same thinking as me (such as Tyroid) who will be anal back and try to loophole my orders.


When I give things such as Solitary wardays, those are more punishment for the CT's who bait, freekill, and generally don't listen to orders so that they cause the T's to either die too quickly or the T's to rebel within a very short amount of time. But, other wardays are normal just normal ones that the T's can have fun by openly killing the CT's (after all, having fun in a game is the point, right?).


But, just because I was sick of being a CT lead for one round did not mean I wanted to be T, otherwise I would have switched to T myself. I slayed myself because I wanted to force one of the lazier CTs (the ones that NEVER lead) to try to control the T's themselves. Again, not a crime or something worth team switching for.




As for you being argumentative, it was several times but the main time I come up with was when I was lead CT and you kept trying to talk over me and saying this and that and I told you "Shut up so I can give orders", you said "Don't tell me to shut up" so I said "shut up" and you started going on about how if I tell you to shut up, you'd ban me, and then I told you "shut the fuck up" (ya never banned me, obviously, but ya need to learn to shut up and not talk over lead CT unless it's absolutely necessary such as a mass freekiller or a gunplanter or whatever).




The slapping was massively annoying in that at the time we were trying to do a trivia for the game for the T's and we couldn't because you were spamming the chat with a bunch of slapping of a guy just to "be fun" as you put it.




As for the slaying of Jason, the way you describe it is that he killed you for being in armory as a CT dissension and you raged out about it by slaying him and then immediately logging out of the game, is that about right? Honestly, when it's close to or a tie, it's usually up to the CT to decide whether or not you live and few are ever lucky to as the orders right from the get go are "freeze, no armory". But, to just go 'nutz' and rage out like that is inappropriate on ANY level and very childish (more so that my being anal about orders given and received).

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I'm reviewing all of this as we speak. There is too much talking going on with no results or conclusions.





Due to hippie's actions displayed in this report, compounded with the numerous prior abuse reports where warnings were given and his attitude shown in those threads, his admin has been suspended by Staff.

Edited by Slazenger
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