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Not a bad deal at all man...BUT it has on-board graphics, you'll still need a video card so figure 150-200 for a descent one to match up. That's assuming it has a descent power supply to run one, which it SHOULD but I'd have to look it up.


About the graphic cards since you have an intel cpu you might as well go with Nvidia heres some good mid rang to high range cards


gtx 260 you can find an gtx 260 for around 240 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150398&cm_re=gtx_260-_-14-150-398-_-Product


evga geforce gts 250 you can find one for 120 http://www.compusa.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4498035&CatId=3670


Some more good cards 9800gtx/+, gtx 280 and etc


Some Radeon card 4850, 4870, and 5850.

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About the graphic cards since you have an intel cpu you might as well go with Nvidia heres some good mid rang to high range cards


gtx 260 you can find an gtx 260 for around 240 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150398&cm_re=gtx_260-_-14-150-398-_-Product


evga geforce gts 250 you can find one for 120 http://www.compusa.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4498035&CatId=3670


Some more good cards 9800gtx/+, gtx 280 and etc


Some Radeon card 4850, 4870, and 5850.


What does having an intel CPU have to do with graphics he should go with...

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It doesnt i never said so but it seems to go better with Intel, Since for the most part Nvidia goes with Intel, just like Ati goes with AMD.


dammit you always find something to complain about my comments :push:


Don't give false information and I will have nothing to complain about. :cry: I've run ATI and Nvidia both on intel chips, doesn't matter.


The only reason you want want intel/nvidia or amd/ati is if doing multiple GPU's to make the chipset happy. That computer has one PCI E slot, so he will not be doing multiple GPU's.

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