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hey ladies

I Love Lamp

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Nothing will be named /b/ here as long as I exist. And I don't have a month to wait for a new phone.


Also, I'm not a spindly armed twerp who needs a phone that is weightless, like his dick.






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"DRIOD"< iPhone. The droid is a good phone and better than any other phone BESIDES the iPhone, and Google is retarded if they put out all their phones on T-Mobile because everybody knows that their coverage sucks and they fail. Also I'm on AT&T since Verizon has horrible customer service, believe me I used to have Verizon and switched over when they tryed to charge me $300 for supposedly not sending my Moto Q to them when I requested a replacement phone, when I did.

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"DRIOD"< iPhone. The droid is a good phone and better than any other phone BESIDES the iPhone, and Google is retarded if they put out all their phones on T-Mobile because everybody knows that their coverage sucks and they fail. Also I'm on AT&T since Verizon has horrible customer service, believe me I used to have Verizon and switched over when they tryed to charge me $300 for supposedly not sending my Moto Q to them when I requested a replacement phone, when I did.


You are an ignorant fuck and your post is terribly written. Please use the internet before posting a rebuttal.





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