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Map Testing Discussion


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  Dan said:
I was actually making a Space jail map. With airlock chambers. Windows with health, when broken alarms go off and whatever room it was in, people in there started to lose oxygen/health. I was also attempting to make a "docking station infirm".

But my games and maps got wiped :/


That sucks :(

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  `BiG. bOi said:
How about for the space station idea, if a window is somehow broken, you get sucked out :o


I can't think how you could get that to work, but I assume there are triggers that can push you towards the window and then a trigger to kill at the window. (I haven't touched Hammer in a while :P).

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  Dan said:
I can't think how you could get that to work, but I assume there are triggers that can push you towards the window and then a trigger to kill at the window. (I haven't touched Hammer in a while :P).


Yea I'm sure it can be done. Like you know how fans work and stuff, maybe it can work the same way. The window breaks which triggers and invisible fan and you get blown out. Man, I'm heading off to hammer right now :o I'll come back with the results maybe post a few screenies/record a video.

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  Dan said:
I can't think how you could get that to work, but I assume there are triggers that can push you towards the window and then a trigger to kill at the window. (I haven't touched Hammer in a while :P).


Yeah, it's easily done. Maybe just a custom sound when you get sucked out for a bit of realism?

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