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Netflix recommendations


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Hey guys just started Netflix obviously.


I wanted to to get recommendations on some movies such as:


Action: Sci fi action, shooting, etc.


Comedy: any


Adventure: Basically such as example Xena :P


Drama: any


Thrillers: thriller movies with comedy such as example Chuckies Bride.


Any good recommendations for those genres please mention



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Guest The_Monkey

Here is my terrible list...I could go on and on with it.




Dr. Who (the new stuff)

Stargate SG1/Atlantis/Universe/Movies

Battlestar Galactica (old and new)


Wonder Years

Who's The Boss <-- just so you walk away saying 'Samantha'





Event Horizon

Super Troopers

The Last Starfighter

Trading Places

Super Mario Bros The Movie

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Guest The_Monkey
ITT - Monkey is a troll.


I guess we can also start listing terrible movies. Mario Bros. The Movie...


I'm not trolling...I'm being serious. As with watching good movies, you have to watch some terrible ones too. Otherwise, you have nothing to compare to. Also, just because it is a bit campy and terrible doesn't mean he won't walk a way without a few giggles (even if they are from terrible movies).


Not all of them were terrible FYI.

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Guest The_Monkey
Lol Thanks guys for the recommendations.


I have actually BOUGHT HANGOVER Helmin lol had too.


And Right now I am watching:


Legend of the seeker, Spartacus, Xena, Torchwood on instant Q to my xbox 360.,


If you are watching Torchwood, you have to have watched Doctor Who...am I right?


I just watched Pandorum the other day...thought it was a decent watch for a sci-fi suspense flick.


If you want to watch a good situational comedy from Mike Judge...watch Extract.

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And Right now I am watching:


Legend of the seeker, Spartacus, Xena, Torchwood on instant Q to my xbox 360.,


The Starz show Spartacus is pretty good, saw a few of the most recent episodes its like a softcore porn and the movie 300 mixed together.

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