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Hey, sadly I'll have a long period of Inactivity (LOL PERIOD) erm... Anyways, I got

VAC banned for some reason and I've never cheated in my whole life, so at moment

I'm trying to solve this but proubly nothing, if not gettin unbanned, I'll buy a new CS: S later.




Crying wishes, yours,

-LydaRi <3

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The Valve Anti-Cheat system is enabled for servers displaying the Secured shield logo. If a user connects to a VAC-Secured server from a computer with identifiable cheats installed, the VAC system will ban the user from playing on VAC-Secured servers in the future.

While server admins may choose to ban specific players, server admins cannot VAC ban players. The VAC system is automated - contacting Steam Support to report cheaters is not necessary, nor will Steam Support act on any information provided.

The VAC system reliably detects cheats using their cheat signatures. Any third-party modification to a game designed to give one player an advantage over another is classified as a cheat or hack and will trigger a VAC ban. This includes modifications to a game's core executable files and dynamic link libraries.


The following will not trigger a VAC ban:

Using chat programs like X-Fire

Playing multi-player mods which do not modify core .EXE and .DLL files

System hardware configurations

Updated system drivers, such as video card drivers

Using custom skins, sounds or maps


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Well that doesn't matter Lydari if the person that Hijacked your account before was hacking and someone filed a steam ticket on your account at the time and steam might of been reviewing your account and just now banned your account for the hacks.

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