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Just a little promotion question.


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How do you get promoted to vet? I heard that you have to be an active member for a year. I know I'm just a little recruit with a tiny penis, but I was just curious. Also shouldn't be to long until mah promotion (well, at least until I'm eligible to). Hell, I've joined before f4ithless did and he just got promoted.


Oh.... almost forgot.




No, that's not me.

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Well you got to be active on the forums, Very active on ventrilo, and play with the clan much as possible.


The thing is this isn't a little child's thread. Omg Faithless got promoted before you did.


Don't be like that, definitely not the way to be to wanting to get a promotion in my opinion.


Not trying to be a dick neither just speaking the truth of what I see.


To become a Vet member you got to show respect, be with the clan for a good while be active as much as possible, and show that you deserve the promotion.


To get promoted to [HG] Just be active as well, make sure your on vent as much as you are in-game. Play with clan members, be respectful and most importantly HAVE FUN!

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Usually, Veterans become promoted for a whole year of activity in Hellsgamers.


Sometimes, on very rare occasions, (my case) a member can be promoted to Veteran if they show alot of ban requests, reports, T-lists, etc. and show their worthiness. I for example, haven't even hit my one year mark yet.


Just keep on doing what you are doing, play the game, and don't worry about ranks. If you try to worry about getting promoted or getting more privileges, you will eventually do something stupid and get it all taken away.


Enjoy your time here, and just play the game, we are all gamers here...

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