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Sig Request


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Hey guys I was wondering if someone could make me a forum signature, I don't have photoshop or I would make my own. So I will give you an i dea of what I would like....


1. Something sleek.

2. My favorite colors are Red & Black.

3. I DO NOT want anything pokemon related or anything like that...

4. I like blood splatter :cheesy:

5. Text : Ciris

6. Sub-Text: HeLLs Gamers


Hopefully you can work with, just ask for any question's.

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Dude, I'm sure you can find alot of people who can make you one here. I would totally offer to do you one but today my photoshop bombed on me and I'm currently in the process of getting it to work. lol

If you can't find anyone to make you one though I could probably hunt down some of my fav photoshop geek friends (and when I say photoshop geek..I mean they use it for practically EVERYTHING that has to do with the computer and are like...hella good lol)

Or if i get my own working i'll make you one. But you'd have to add me on steam so I can get details from you

Add me: Crucifix_Angel

it should add me under -hg-DizyVipr :)



BTW: red and black FTW!!!!!!!!! <3

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Mine's better.

I liked it so much I decided to make one similiar for myself.


If you'd like I can make it glossy and sleek but i thought this style of art would be better without it. I feel it will take away from the preexisting beauty that has been captured in this inspiring signature.




Edited by Kinta
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