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This is the kind of low-quality bullshit posts/threads that makes other people think that we (HG) are a joke. Seriously, quit with the anti-female crap as it's getting quite ridiculous.


P.S. I love Turquoise over Blue.


Lawlface....I have to agree with Slazzy. You are saying this when your spray is degrading women MORE than the original post was about.


And, breasts DO NOT look anything like cow udder. If you have not noticed, cow udders have 4 nipples on one giant mile sack. Where women have 1 nipple per breast.


Bahl.. You've been here since September don't talk shit about peoples ranks. Plus why are you calling him a homo.. You have 0 idea who he his either. You seriously just type shit and have no idea what you are talking about. You just brought up about he doesn't know you and you're assuming stuff about him.


I'm not sticking up for Siph kid he's annoying but you're just dumb.


You joined [HG] 7/2009. Bahl joined 9/2009. That is merely a 2 month difference. No offense, you really don't have room to talk shit either. Neither do I, but I am just stating facts. I suggest you don't try again, or you could end up in the same hole as the person I quoted above.



And to you Bahl. I agree with you in a sense. I am an artist. I think of all the colors possible. All shades, tints & tones. But coming from a photographers point of view, everyone then has a little homo in them. Because the MAIN colors in anything is Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Red, Blue, Green. Get it? OH ANNNDD....THERE IS NO COLOR!!! OMG....color doesn't exsit. It's all light...don't believe me...? Ask a photographer or an artist. ^.^


Let's end the hate, and just enjoy laughing at the other sex for once.



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