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Drive Across Texas

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You guise = dumb....Warfare and myself actually live in Texas. None of this "visiting" crapola. We were just talking about how ridiculously huge it is and how long it takes to drive across it....something like 15-20 hours. So if you can avoid doing it, then that's good. Not to mention you might get ass raped by some dude with only two teeth in one of the many shanty-house towns along the way if you do. Just ask Warfare...he knows...O_o

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FUCKIN' EPIC!!! ROFLCOPTER!!!! mexico is definitely pooey...sorry la migra. We look pretty good riding Prius....O_O


Actually Mexico has some pretty sick places to travel 2, I hope you're joking.



i'm in college station. driving around texas is awesome, especially on a motorcycle. pity the fool that doesn't like texas.


Texas is awesome, I love it. I want to go to deeep south Texas sometime this year!

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Actually Mexico has some pretty sick places to travel 2, I hope you're joking.


yeah, but mexico also has a WHOOOOOOOLE LOT MORE places that aren't sick to travel to. I don't deny the resort cities like cancun, puerto vallarta, ect. are great destinations, but i've experienced firsthand the unsick places to visit.....basically like 98% of the country where americans and tourists alike get kidnapped and held for ransom cuz they've got some nice shoes on or carrying a briefcase. sh!t almost happened to a family member of mine on a business trip there. not to mention that the police there are corrupt as F@CK! get pulled over cuz ur obviously a tourist ----> either pay him off for the price he demands, or go to jail in a foreign 3rd world country where the justice system is as legit as michael jackson's white children ----> i'll avoid mexico outside the resort cities if i can.

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yeah, but mexico also has a WHOOOOOOOLE LOT MORE places that aren't sick to travel to. I don't deny the resort cities like cancun, puerto vallarta, ect. are great destinations, but i've experienced firsthand the unsick places to visit.....basically like 98% of the country where americans and tourists alike get kidnapped and held for ransom cuz they've got some nice shoes on or carrying a briefcase. sh!t almost happened to a family member of mine on a business trip there. not to mention that the police there are corrupt as F@CK! get pulled over cuz ur obviously a tourist ----> either pay him off for the price he demands, or go to jail in a foreign 3rd world country where the justice system is as legit as michael jackson's white children ----> i'll avoid mexico outside the resort cities if i can.




Lol? You're bashing an entire nation based on 1-2 bad experiences you've heard of? Mexico is still a developing nation, just like most of the world. If you decide to travel, keep your wits about you, and most places will still be relatively safe. Why the heck would you be travelling to a tiny town in the middle of nowhere in Mexico anyways? It's not like you go to New York City just to visit a ghetto neighborhood wearing your family jewels. Mexico has it's problems, yes, but broad generalizations about people and places make you look like the quintessential stupid American tourist :push:

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