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Drive Across Texas

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You guise = dumb....Warfare and myself actually live in Texas. None of this "visiting" crapola. We were just talking about how ridiculously huge it is and how long it takes to drive across it....something like 15-20 hours. So if you can avoid doing it, then that's good. Not to mention you might get ass raped by some dude with only two teeth in one of the many shanty-house towns along the way if you do. Just ask Warfare...he knows...O_o


Reminds me of this bad joke about a salesman that was in Colorado and a deal comes up in Dallas. So his office in Chicago calls him and says that he's closest and the rule is he has to go. Doing the math, the distance from CO across the entire state of TX is actually further than IL to TX, so he gets to go home.


On the downside, legally (and otherwise), TX is rather intolerant of a laundry list of things.

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Reminds me of this bad joke about a salesman that was in Colorado and a deal comes up in Dallas. So his office in Chicago calls him and says that he's closest and the rule is he has to go. Doing the math, the distance from CO across the entire state of TX is actually further than IL to TX, so he gets to go home.


On the downside, legally (and otherwise), TX is rather intolerant of a laundry list of things.


yes but one of the things texas is very tolerant on is privacy. take advantage of that, and technically everyone is tolerant of everything.

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Lol? You're bashing an entire nation based on 1-2 bad experiences you've heard of? Mexico is still a developing nation, just like most of the world. If you decide to travel, keep your wits about you, and most places will still be relatively safe. Why the heck would you be travelling to a tiny town in the middle of nowhere in Mexico anyways? It's not like you go to New York City just to visit a ghetto neighborhood wearing your family jewels. Mexico has it's problems, yes, but broad generalizations about people and places make you look like the quintessential stupid American tourist :push:


He's special.


Reminds me of this bad joke about a salesman that was in Colorado and a deal comes up in Dallas. So his office in Chicago calls him and says that he's closest and the rule is he has to go. Doing the math, the distance from CO across the entire state of TX is actually further than IL to TX, so he gets to go home.


On the downside, legally (and otherwise), TX is rather intolerant of a laundry list of things.


Like what?

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The opposite race



California (because of hippies)



People from out of town in general

People with no common sense

Telling us what to do

Asking us what we're doing

Laws in general, especially those that do the previous 2 things

Trying to take away our guns

Theft in general

People that litter

Taxes (even though we have some of the highest property taxes)

People that drive slow

People that drive fast

People that don't drive the same speed as us

People driving through our state on their way to another state

Cold weather

People that stay in Texas for the winter and tell us how "this isn't cold weather, you haven't SEEN cold weather"

People that talk too much

People that try to make us hurry

People that don't think Texas is the best state

People that don't think Texas can secede

People that don't like BBQ

People that don't like football

People that don't like country music

Annoying people

The Toyota Prius


The list can go on and on forever, but really only applies to small towns (where I'm from). You can find plenty of tolerance in the cities. Except Houston, where everyone hates everyone else.

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Like what?


Damn near every traffic law is arrestable at discretion (excluding speeding not in extreme excess and maybe passenger open container (can't remember if that's TX)) and you don't want to get hit with a DUI. Ignition interlock system at operator's expense, anyone?


Then again, my info is a few years dated.

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Except Houston, where everyone hates everyone else.


lol i live in houston and i can tell you that the further you get into town it becomes more and more like new york not just in the layout of the city with sky-scrapers and lots of lights, but also the mentality of people..."everyone hates everyone else". so true.


Helmin :), i along with most texans that live in the deep southern regions of the state struggle to see how mexico is a developing nation. in what way is it developing? cuz from my observation and understanding of what many of the mexican people tell me (whom i'm friends with that have moved here specifically to evade their sh!tty government) the county hasn't progressed in any way shape or form in the last 20 years with exception to better technology and medicine. infact they emphasize how the country has actually regressed as of late because of the corruption in law enforcement and government officials who aid the drug cartels and their smuggling so as to cash in on it for their own agendas. lots of ppl dying cuz of it every day even in the major cities and even those beloved resort towns like cancun. don't believe me, just type in "drug cartels" into google or yahoo search and the first thing that pops up is "drug cartels in MEXICO"....not colombia, el salvador, or afghanistan(opium trade)...mexico, cuz it's the drug capital of the world now. and i see what ur saying about having to watch out where ever you go in the world as a tourist. i agree 100% and certainly would. but i've been to mexico like close to 100 times or something and it really aint that great anymore. that's why i say i'll stay away from there. and i'm in no way bashing mexican ppl, cuz some of the nicest and genuinely hard-working ppl i've met in my life are mexican. and not to mention, if it weren't for mexico we wouldn't have delicious combination fajitas with pico, enchiladas, tacos or taco bell (and all tex-mex food for that matter), tortas, burritos, ect. THANKS MIGRA!!! :D

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