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Well, today was definitely an interesting day.....


In History class, we are currently on Civil Rights era. And out of nowhere a couple of dumb rednecks shout out




"The only good kind of a black person is a dead black person"

"I go on the KKK website to buy t-shirts"


So, our teacher gets pissed and sends them to the principal's. They go out into the hall and walk back and forth in front of the door. The teacher gets even MORE pissed off and tells ME to go with them.


We get there (finally) and the two tell the whole story.


And here is what REALLY got me........


He laughed.

He sent them back without even a warning.






I don't mean to offend anyone, I didn't say anything racist during this.

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Where do you live that kids can get away with saying racist shit like that? I never had that issue in school, but it was very diverse (white people the minority lol)


I live in a little town called Phoenix. And no, it's not the one in Arizona :). It's in new York. It's about 3 hours away from Buffalo and right near a city called Syracuse. It's not known to be white-trash, but there some "areas" that are a little... you know. White is the majority here. There are only 3 African-American kids that I have seen in this school.

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Where do you live that kids can get away with saying racist shit like that? I never had that issue in school, but it was very diverse (white people the minority lol)


That shit is expected at my school, since I live in the south, EVERYONE is racist :lame:

even our principal is racist, he was "talked" too about calling some boys the "N" word.

Yea, but if this happens at my school everyone would be like LOLOLOL!! :we:



I AM a RedNeck, and proud of it ;)

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I live in Dallas. If you said that you wouldn't get to the principles.


What lack said but in Chandler... and my School is like 3/4 Mexican then white and Black splits the other 1/4 so.... Yea... I see stupid white kids who are racist get jumped all the time or Gang Wars.. 14 year old kids think they are in a gang and just throwing punches..../popcorn until you get hit or until one kid brings a knife.


/end of my cool story >.>

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It is sad to see. The issue is that our country is becoming more diverse and many kids are not being brought up in a way that's adaptive to that. There are a lot of racists out there, especially older. My parents are included in that bunch. Just in the way I was raisedI picked up on it but as you meet people who are diverse you begin to branch out and realize that you can't be closed minded. They are older and were in their late teens when the Civil Rights movement began. In a few decades I think we'll find the majority of people to be much more accepting and less racist on a whole.


I live in New Hampshire, the third "whitest state" and I'm going to school right on the border of Maine, which is the "whitest". Luckily my university is pretty diverse with students from New York and Massachusetts. It's nice to branch out.




I feel like its our responsibility to teach our children how to behave and teach them to adapt and accept people that look differently from them. It's a skill you need in life because you work with people all different race and creed. And they are just as nice as the next guy.


Shame to see your principal isn't intelligent enough to realize that he's in a position where his decisions influence and mold the students he is in charge of...

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Ha I got something to add to this.


A friend of mine I was in high school with a few years back was always getting called racial slurs by jocks in school.

I made him go to our principle and tell him I was there as a back up to admit to the principle that it was going on.


This kid named Colton Riley was one of the biggest at lunch everyday would throw food at my friend (lesley mersful) was his name, anyways then call my friend racist names.


My friend got tired of it and the principle wouldn't do shit about it; So my friend intended to piss in a water bottle and put it in this Colton Rileys locker. When Colton opened his locker it fell from the top shelf right on to his chest.


Lesley got suspended from our school and had to move to go to a different school because of what happened.

To this day I still find it not right on that he got suspended but Colton got away with everything that he did and said to my friend.


Half my family is black. And Racist words do not affend them because we all think alike. Racist words such as "N**ger" is not just black people, It can be whites, and other races. All it means: a person of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc.

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But seriously, write a letter or email to as many people over education as possible. The principal is held liable by the superintendent and he's held liable to the city. We don't have public schools to raise ignorant fucking bigots who make fun of people solely on the fact that they're different or you don't understand them. Someone has to care somewhere down the line. If not, the media usually eats this stuff up. Now, I wouldn't consider OP's story extreme enough to drop a national bomb on anyone, but it's still silly nonetheless.

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Well, sorry for my atrocious spelling.


This is what school is for. :P


– Principal is an adjective meaning "most important" or "main" OR a noun designating "the main or chief one." Thus, the principal sum of money on which one draws interest is the principal, and the principal person in a school is the principal.


– Principle can never be an adjective, and that is where most people err. It is a noun only. referring to a fundamental law or concept or to a code of conduct, often used in the plural, as in "moral principles." Once we grasp this principle, we are less likely to confuse these words.


In fact, the words have absolutely no meanings in common. While principal refers to "chief" or "main" (or to the chief or main person or thing), principle never does. While principle refers to a fundamental law or code of conduct, principal never does.

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You know what I hate? People who put Confederate flags on their trucks...it ruins a good truck...not to mention that its fucking stupid...Here is a question for those people who do that: "Does it get you laid?"


More than likely it doesnt so I would like to think that they should stop doing it...


just a thought

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I can't understand after so many years, the US is still so racist. Obviously not everyone, but a good majority. The Republican party is pretty much based on racism, and it seems to be totally OK. Over here in Canada if your racist, people look at you as if your mentally challenged, it's just not normal.


No offense to the American's here... It's just a general view(most of the time) of how the rest of the world looks at the US in whole. Which is to bad... The US is a nice place to visit(except Detroit lol).

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So 3 of my friends who are taking the same AP Language & Composition except with a diiferent teacher

have to do a PowerPoint Presentation on a believe it was Adventures Of HuckleBerry Finn

In the powerpoint the used the "N" word but only using it as analyzing the book

The teacher who is black took it affendsively and Kicked them out and had them suspended for a day

Now the 3 of them are in my english class

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So 3 of my friends who are taking the same AP Language & Composition except with a diiferent teacher

have to do a PowerPoint Presentation on a believe it was Adventures Of HuckleBerry Finn

In the powerpoint the used the "N" word but only using it as analyzing the book

The teacher who is black took it affendsively and Kicked them out and had them suspended for a day

Now the 3 of them are in my english class


No need to be offensive, but that's just fucking stupid.


Some African Americans are too sensitive it's ridiculous. Now if a black guy calls a white guy a "cracker" it's ok? no. You're friends didn't mean anything by it.


Also, another thing I have to get off my chest, is Europeans. On the internet, their always ridiculing Americans for being stupid. (And this just isn't the internet, but that's where I see it most) They think that they are the superior race. Well, I've got news for you buddy, going on the internet and deriding an entire race based off one person who you see is plain fucking stupid.

(example: w3qFdbUEq5s )


I know that isn't very relevant to what this thread is about, but it still pisses me off. And I don't mean every single person in Europe, but there is a good group of them who I do hate.

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No need to be offensive, but that's just fucking stupid.


Some African Americans are too sensitive it's ridiculous. Now if a black guy calls a white guy a "cracker" it's ok? no. You're friends didn't mean anything by it.


Also, another thing I have to get off my chest, is Europeans. On the internet, their always ridiculing Americans for being stupid. (And this just isn't the internet, but that's where I see it most) They think that they are the superior race. Well, I've got news for you buddy, going on the internet and deriding an entire race based on one person is plain fucking stupid.


I know that isn't very relevant to what this thread is about, nut it still pisses me off. And I don't mean every single person in Europe, but there is a good group of them who I do hate.


Self oppression and double standards aren't helping anyone progress. This isn't specific to any one race, by the way.


Also, if the teacher is all butthurt over racial slurs used in a purely academic way, why did he assign Huck Finn? Seriously?


Also, didn't we cover prisms in the 6th grade? :P

Edited by Wingless
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Self oppression and double standards aren't helping anyone progress. This isn't specific to any one race, by the way.


Also, if the teacher is all butthurt over racial slurs used in a purely academic way, why did he assign Huck Finn? Seriously?


Also, didn't we cover prisms in the 6th grade? :P


Look in the comments. Their is a lot of what I explained in my last post going on.

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