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Zingled Funny Convo's


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This thread is now about Omegle


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hello

Stranger: hey baby

You: mmmm

You: i see where this is going

Stranger: female?

You: male, female, if you have the funds i can be either one

You: :)

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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This service is dumb.


Looking for someone to chat with... (so, please wait)

You are now chatting with a person, say hi.

▼: h0i

▲: hi

▲: i guess we're triangles

▼: no we're squares

▲: talking to strangers on the internet might entail such a description

▼: shut up god i just came here 2 find a friend im ganna cry ur evil

▼: evil

▲: i was evil once.

▲: it was fun.

▼: burn in hell

▲: you're so angry. You need a friend.

▼: with my doggy

▼: no

▼: i have plenty of friends

▲: Then why so angry pants

▼: wat r u talkin about

▼: are u mentle

▲: a little.

▲: you're also 12.

▼: im not 12

▲: Close to it.

▼: im 14

▲: oh sorry, big mistake.

▼: r u

▲: I'm old enough to spell mental.

▼: shut the fuck up im old enought 2 kick ur ass

▲: So you're an internet tough guy?

▲: nice career, so i hear from internet tough guys.

▲: I've never questioned them though... they're tough

▼: wat r u talkin about

▼: ur stupid

▲: I dunno triangle, what are YOU talking about

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They're all 14 btw.


Looking for someone to chat with... (so, please wait)

You are now chatting with a person, say hi.

▼: hi

▲: hi

▼: sup

▲: So on my screen im a blue triangle...

▲: Are you also a blue triangle?

▼: yes

▲: So it misleads me by making me think im positive and you're a downer?

▼: pretty much yeah

▲: Interesting.

▲: Why do people come here to talk to strangers?

▼: idk

▲: My last triangle was an internet tough guy.

▲: He was 14 and "old enough to kick my ass"

▼: haha

▲: And I'd like to call you "Short Response"

▼: ok

▼: i

▼: get

▼: it

▲: oh SR

▲: You're so witty.

▼: i no

▲: You should probably slow down, SR, I am laughing profusely.

▼: o

▼: k

▼: t

▼: h

▼: e

▼: n

▲: You're significantly less entertaining when you try, SR.

▼: ehh

▲: Are you old enough to kick my ass, SR?

▼: is there a age minium

▲: I have no idea, this is the first time I have used Triangularity to communicate with others.

▼: well im 14

▼: odd

▲: But you're not the angry kid who was screaming at me?

▼: all capitals?

▲: No, he was just angry.

▼: oh ok

▲: So Zingled = 14... I feel old.

▼: how old

▲: 23

▼: ehh not that old

You have disconnected.

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi im a guy, 18, looking for girl to webcam chat with :)

You: hello

You: well you're in lick

You: luck*

You: lol

Stranger: awesome

Stranger: ur a girl :)

Stranger: ?

You: yes...but its gonna cost ya

Stranger: ?

Stranger: lol

You: money

You: $$$$

Stranger: whats ur msn or skype?

You: what's your paypal address and Credit Card #?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hello

Stranger: 29/m

You: o cool

You: where?

Stranger: nj

You: i know someone in NJ

You: do you know here

You: her*

You: ?

Stranger: What's her name?

You: Snooki.

You: xD

Stranger: LOL

Stranger: Yeah, I knocked that bitch out!

You: c ya

You have disconnected.

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Stranger: yes indeed, the fission irregularity is stable.

You: csb

Stranger: counter strike babe?

You: csb

Stranger: Country sex birth?

You: csb

Stranger: faggit/faggit/faggit

You: csb

Stranger: lick my asshole csb

Stranger: bitch

You: csb

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: Have you ever seen the movie Tropic Thunder?

Stranger: yea

You: I got a question for you then, how could you possibly advertise the can of booty sweat?

Stranger: idk

Stranger: y ask?

You: seriously it's like what " Delicously good can of booty sweat, from my ass to your mouth YUMMMM!

Stranger: hmmmm

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Looking for someone to chat with... (so, please wait)

You are now chatting with a person, say hi.

▲: Hello

▼: hey

▲: What's up

▼: ru hot?

▲: I'm male

▲: So.

▲: inb4disconnect

▼: imma femalw

▼: wanna fuc?

▲: Oh sure

▲: Let me go get my fursuit

▼: kkk gootta big dic

▲: Oh yes, it's above average

▼: can i c a pic of it?

▲: My camera is broken, so :/

▲: You'll just have to use your imagination

▼: awww

▲: I'm 4'5, Asian

▲: I have green eyes and I like to eat rice

▼: ooo hot

▲: hbu

▼: idk how tall blue eyes blonde big boobs (d size) and a nice ass

▼: turn u on?

▲: Well, hm.

▲: You know what really turns me on?

▼: wat?

▲: Roman era history

▲: I'll be Caesar and you be Vercingetorix

▼: ooo hot \

▲: The setting: The Battle of Alesia

▼: go on

▲: You are surrounded by my armies, and I have built a wall around your wall

▼: oh yes

▲: Your people are dying, starving

▲: What will you do?

▼: fuc u

▲: I agree

▲: You come out into the courtyard, and lay down your sword

▲: for just one chance

▲: to lay down with me, Caesar

▲: in a night of pure passion and bliss

▼: oo yess

▲: I don my red cloak, and go out to meet you

▲: You are submissive yet proud

▲: your beard glistens in the moonlight

▲: I have a noticeable erection

▼: yess yes

▼: wat will u do to me if we were alone in a room naked go into detail

▲: Ok

▲: So after I take you into my tent

▲: We both remove our armor

▲: we stand, bare chested staring at one another

▲: The sexual tension is intense

▲: However, an act such as this could destroy the Roman empire

▲: I'm scared

▲: you hold me

▲: we make sweet, passionate love

▲: In the morning, I set your men free, defeated

▲: But you I'm afraid... I can't allow you to live

▼: yea

▲: You have set forth a Gaul rebellion, and letting you live would further encourage such rebellious behavior

▲: With tears in my eyes I must behead you

▲: :'( oh vercingetorix

▲: my forbidden love

▼: AWWW u can still suc my body

▲: Yes but it's not the same

▲: I bury you, and visit your grave everyday

▲: Until I am assassinated by the Senate

▼: aww how old r u

▲: Well

▲: I was assassinated at 55

▼: no rlly

▲: No seriously

▲: 100 BC to 44 BC

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