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No Detours no delays automatically implyed is stupid.


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To bring up nitpicking and the "no detours and no delays" rules, I've got a question:


If the Lead CT says "crouch to the bottom of the stairs", is it nitpicking to or detouring/delaying to head towards the obstacle stairs? In all technicalities, no stair type was defined and the whole "you know what I mean" point is moot as I don't think any of us are true mind-readers. It's not nitpicking to use a major flaw in the order to go to a location that is as specified, even if not what's meant to be said. It's really no different if the CT said "jump to the 2nd tier of obstacle" while every T was on the solitary ready to jump to the fountain.

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To bring up nitpicking and the "no detours and no delays" rules, I've got a question:


If the Lead CT says "crouch to the bottom of the stairs", is it nitpicking to or detouring/delaying to head towards the obstacle stairs? In all technicalities, no stair type was defined and the whole "you know what I mean" point is moot as I don't think any of us are true mind-readers. It's not nitpicking to use a major flaw in the order to go to a location that is as specified, even if not what's meant to be said. It's really no different if the CT said "jump to the 2nd tier of obstacle" while every T was on the solitary ready to jump to the fountain.


That's fine. If they don't specify you can pick and choose until they clarify.

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