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Minigames admin


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Hey today me Incubus and De3vine, where in vent and in Minigames, We were just playing as usall, and for certain maps or some maps, People would instantly RTV of the map, then that map, then that map, still they got one they wanted, Can we add some sort of 10 minute timer to the RTV system on minigames please so this will not happen.


E.g, We where playing All_In_On_velocity, The time was over, it got voted to go to Castle_Wars (Modern version) after 1 1/2 round, it was changed to smash cannons, and 5 rounds after that it was changed to castle_wars_ctf


This often happens in Minigames and usally causes people to RQ (Which doesn't meen much) But when we're loosing server population, and possibly the chance of having a full server, it begins to get a problem.


If you cannot change it, could you give admins the right to map change and/or Cancel a vote, this would help out alot doing either one of these.


An other problem we have with Minigames, is the Normal Admins, cannot get there admin skin up, I've brought this matter up on vent Several times, people have tried to fix, but either do not know how to fix it, or do not have the correct admin power to do so.


Finally, can we please remove the map mg_blade_battlers, as this has a limit of 20 players, and today when the server had 40/40 we lost around 1/3 of the population to that map being voted.


Thanks very much, Bone.

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1. Trusted admins and up (so far) are the only ones who can change the maps


2. skins is fail. would be great if we could get it fixed so i can show off my e-peen... ^^


Cuban, There is a rariety of Normal admins being in there minus my self, Let alone Trusted admins.

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