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NICKNAME registration


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I have a BIG problem!

I wanted to play in SERVER, and I wanted to register my nick but....


I want my nickname back! I don't want that someone using my nickname, because I'm using it till I was 10 (11 years already). So can you help me?

Do this server have some nick security system??? To help users using their own nick?


Best regards, waiting for answer

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Don't really understand what you are saying. Somthing about somone having your nickname that you use till you was 10.... 11 or somthing. Apoligies for somone using your "NICKNAME" If i see them on i'll ban them for you . BTW do what Blitzkrieg said make it unique.

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Don't really understand what you are saying. Somthing about somone having your nickname that you use till you was 10.... 11 or somthing. Apoligies for somone using your "NICKNAME" If i see them on i'll ban them for you . BTW do what Blitzkrieg said make it unique.


Yeh, Like HG | Boner


Preety sick and Unique name


Apoligies for somone using your "NICKNAME" If i see them on i'll ban them for you


I Lol'ed at this

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BUT I want my own unique nickname I have a good reputation with my nickname in other game servers, so i dont want somebody using it CAN YOU HELP ME? :(

You still haven't answered what nickname you are even talking about. Your forum name? Bad Company 2 name? CSS name?



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it really sucks guys. It's just not fair! Can you help me?!


I'm a dick. Then again you could try to be a little more thorough with your explanation if you'd like some help.

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