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I know I haven't been online in a little while. But, after that thread that Church put up. I feel something needs to be said. HG has some situations where a "pack mentality" has arisen. This thread was the ultimate show of that. The problem I had with that thread was the fact that he had a problem with a few people in the community. He said he was leaving. I think it would have been better to just let the people he had a problem with reply to that thread. If someone wants to leave, let them leave, nuff said.


So many pages? wtf?


I'm not the boss here, but I would hope that my opinion matters a little. This should have never escalated to that point.


If I post and say I have a problem with someone. That person should reply to me. Everyone else does not need to jump on the bandwagon and crucify that person because Clark felt the need to.


I am not naming names. But we have had problems with a lot of people abusing. It eventually gets taken care of. One way or another. If that person leaves because they don't agree with the issue, then so be it.


A little bird has sent me some complaints about late night shenanigans. We can't have that.


This is the internet. Contrary to popular belief, it is NOT serious business. However, I want a safe place for my son to come to and have a good time. I do not want him asking me why we allow people to get jabbed at so much that they leave. I'm not talking about Church. I had issues with him too.


We are all part of HG.


Act like it.


I'm sorry if this sounds like I'm preaching from my high-horse. I don't mean it to be.



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Get off your high horse Clark.

Can we please start posting pictures in this thread flaming Clark?

Maybe someone sitting on a horse getting high?




I do agree it got a little crazy on that thread, and it did escalate beyond what it should have.

But with Church's comments forced upon so many people, as he did name out several, I think it hit a bunch of nerves.


I think if he approached the situation differently, everyone else would have too. But instead of talking to anyone about the situation, he just decides to quit the HG team, but then bash several people with vague and baseless accusations and flames.


I think thats what started the "pack mentality" if you will. I honestly think if he came at it differently, everyone else would have as well.


But I do agree, it should have been taken care of differently, and by the people involved. But instead of discussing anything, he muted me in vent as well as anyone else that tried to question the situation.

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Not saying anyone in this thread is immature, especially you, Clark. You're awesome. I'm just amazed how simple teenagers act more mature then some of the people on here. LIKE VENOM. LOOOOL!


Let's all stop acting butthurt over the same situation.


People have called me things I don't deserve to be called. Why do I just let it happen? It's the internet, you probably won't meet these people in real life etc...Just play the game and enjoy yourself and don't let others bother you. If someone wants to sit here and call me a mutt so be it. Life isn't easy you meet douche's.



Edited by HT | Street Lethal
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Not saying anyone in this thread is immature, especially you, Clark. You're awesome. I'm just amazed how simple teenagers act more mature then some of the people on here. LIKE VENOM. LOOOOL!


Let's all stop acting butthurt over the same situation.


People have called me things I don't deserve to be called. Why do I just let it happen? It's the internet, you probably won't meet these people in real life etc...Just play the game and enjoy yourself and don't let others bother you. If someone wants to sit here and call me a mutt so be it. Life isn't easy you meet douche's.




You are stupid, and should probably just shut the hell up.

You should die soon.

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This reminds me of this picture...




Btw, I'm sorry Pepsi.. I got bored after sorting thru my 100 screenshots... and couldn't find any proof, cuz the stupid console print is too small. Since I don't have proof, I apologize ^^


Btw. I love your siggy, but I have to say that I like coke, cuz coke was first ^^

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