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Leaving HG...


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Hey everyone just wanted to let you know I'm quitting HG.


Don't know or care if anyone cares just thought I'd letcha know.


Sorry you guys kinda fell down into a spiral of abuse but meh. Take care.


J3TTA, thanks for calling me things I will not repeat. I come here to have fun, and get made fun of. Goodbye.


I appreciate the good things jjk. Thanks again.



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Ok, we do not need goodbye threads anymore, anyone that wants to leave for whatever reason... thank-you for your time spent here.


Any further "quitting/goodbye" threads will be deleted, tell people you care about on steam friends or on vent, there is no need to post here, it only looks like a desperate cry for sympathy/feel-good (people asking you to stay).


Thorn, I am sorry to see you go, I will leave this thread up so it can be seen, but I am locking it.



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