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Supreme Commander 2 Update Released


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Updates to Supreme Commander 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:


Bug Fixes and Improvements


  • Private games have been replaced with Friends Only games. This means that you can mark a game as "Friends Only" and it will only be seen in your friends' "Friends" tab
  • The game browser has two new filters: Show Passworded games, and Show All Regions (both off by default)
  • Added "Test Ping" to the Skirmish menu, which will simulate in game traffic volume (based on number of players) for 5 seconds. This will help players find problematic network connections before getting into a game
  • Color coding on pings in skirmish lobby. When a ping is greater than 400 it will be yellow, and when greater than 500 it will be red
  • Games list in the games browser can now be sorted on each column
  • Cybran and Illuminate air factory veterancy fix: factories now calculate veterancy rate correctly
  • Fix to ACU not firing after activating its reclaim beam, while issuing a move order
  • ACUs can now be attacked while under waterAir units are no longer damaged if they fly over an activated Magnetron


Balance and Tuning


  • UEF P-Shield shield Health increased by 25%
  • Universal Colossus can now also be unlocked by researching the Urchinow
  • Overcharge cooldown increased to 35 seconds. Was 25
  • Transport build costs increased by 50%. Reduced Health to 4000. Was 4500
  • Darkenoid primary beam weapon Damage increased by 50%
  • Cybran Air Radar, Cybran Air Vision, Illuminate Land Vision, UEF Air Vision, UEF Land Radar, UEF Naval Radar and UEF Naval Sonar research all reduced by 1 Research Point
  • Illuminate ACU Radar boost increased to +175%. Was +100%
  • UEF ACU Radar and Vision boosts increased to +150%. Was +100%
  • UEF Fighter & Bomber shield Health decreased to 175. Was 200
  • Gunship Speed reduced to 6. Was 8. Shield Health decreased to 150. Was 600. Build Time increased to 27. Was 24
  • UEF ACU Artillery research cost increased to 6. Was 4. Damage Radius reduced to 5. Was 6
  • Cybran mobile artillery Movement Speed reduced to 2.8. Was 3.2
  • Cybran Carrier build cost reduction of 33% added
  • All factions' ACU AA upgrade Damage increased by 25%
  • Airnomo cost decreased 10%. Health increased to 13,000. Was 10,000. AA damage increased 50%. Direct Fire damage decreased 50%Cybran Battleship AA Damage reduced by 40%




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