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Half-life vs. Half-Life 2


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Well, rosco's ps1 vs n64 thread inspired me to make this.


Two completely different games. One is the best game ever, and the other is the worst game ever ;D


Oh, and my vote is for Half-life, hl2 fails hard.


Tell me exactly why you assume that Half-Life 2 "fails hard"? I think it's a major improvement on the original and makes it the best game ever. Oh, and neither are the worst game ever, that's E.T. for the Atari console back in the 80's or 90's (I forget which). There's still a buried pile of them somewhere out in the dessert where the company got rid of the last remaining copies.


But, back on topic, HL2 improves on the original by adding in more story and character to the game as well as the individual NPCs that Gordon Freeman interacts with. There's much more attachment to the side characters as well.

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I just never saw what people liked in hl2. Sure, it's story and characters are fantastic, but it lacks gameplay. The gameplay in hl2 is just so.... meh, in the original HL, the gunplay is so much better. You know when you hit, you know when you miss, and you know when you take damage (without looking at the hud). HL2 just feels and plays so weird. I just don't like it at all.

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gravity gun is nothing special


Are you loco in the head yo? The grav gun is like a multipurpose all-in-one Swiss Army gun for every occasion.


-Blade thrower, check.


-Explosive launcher, check.


-Close range pressure blaster, check.


-Random projectile launcher, check.


-Puzzle solver, check.


-Rubble mover, check.


-Automatic vehicle parking, check.

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Are you loco in the head yo? The grav gun is like a multipurpose all-in-one Swiss Army gun for every occasion.


-Blade thrower, check.


-Explosive launcher, check.


-Close range pressure blaster, check.


-Random projectile launcher, check.


-Puzzle solver, check.


-Rubble mover, check.


-Automatic vehicle parking, check.


Yeah, but is it better than a fuckin' TAU CANNON?

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shut the fuck up before i run you over with my baneblade


Power to the baneblade. Oh, and HL2 surpasses HL1 in most every way--more complex puzzles, much more intriguing storyline, and way more engrossing character selection. I mean, how can you NOT know Alyx and Dr. Vance by the end of EP2? Such a great game..... don't let my nostalgia distract you, lol. But then again, HL1 made the formula for HL2..... so it's like the little brother it never had! In a way. :pwned:

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