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So it's Sunday, what is everyone up to?


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You can't sweep with a vaccume.


Vaccume? That's not even a word.


Sweeping is a transitive verb which can be defined as "To clear (a path or space) with or as if with a broom." so it's not an incorrect usage. Especially since most of my vacuum parts do have brushes on them and I'll be sweeping the tile kitchen as well.

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Watching lifetime original movies. Trying to pick up..


How's the sex change going for you? :P


Considering I'm hanging up laundry right now, I probably shouldn't talk.


Am I the only one that hangs up shirts by purpose and then by color?

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Moving back into my dorm room...back from Spring Break. Ughh...roommate is a slob. So I'm cleaning up his shit too before he gets here and reorganizing and then saying "Keep it this way, or find a new roommate next year."


Some CS:S/BC2 tonight after I finish up a database project. *sigh*

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ITT: Complaining, John getting ripped by Wingless.



Arguing with someone over Facebook who's on a rant about checks and balances and the position of the Senate to the military, all over that video of the Senator that bitched at a General when he called her "ma'am".


Remind me to unfriend people who associate with nutjobs and idiots.


Itsssss .... not by choice...


I feel you. Also, you need some good compromise material. House, maybe? Anything but Lifetime.

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Right now im thinking about formatting my hard drive and clean installing Windows 7 again. Its acting like i have a virus when all my virus protection says i don't. Lately, mainly today, it keeps freezing on random programs and shut down BC2 once. About time for a hard drive wipe anyway.

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Right now im thinking about formatting my hard drive and clean installing Windows 7 again. Its acting like i have a virus when all my virus protection says i don't. Lately, mainly today, it keeps freezing on random programs and shut down BC2 once. About time for a hard drive wipe anyway.


At work while its 30 degrees so i can take off tuesday when it 70 degrees...the fuck!


ITT: Complaining, John getting ripped by Wingless.


Just got home from work, last day of Spring Break, 2 papers to write. More Starcraft 2 to play.


Watching my brackets go all to shit......


Moving back into my dorm room...back from Spring Break. Ughh...roommate is a slob. So I'm cleaning up his shit too before he gets here and reorganizing and then saying "Keep it this way, or find a new roommate next year."


Some CS:S/BC2 tonight after I finish up a database project. *sigh*



Currently trying to acquire the Karate Kid trilogy. I'd go our running but it's Kansasing outside and I don't feel like putting on rubber boots.





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