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It turns me on.


But I'd rather pay <$2.00 in some 3rd world country for an even better and sexier AK-47.


AK-47s aren't as good as you think.



That being said the ACR is way overpriced, not even counting that auction. They are around 3k and they only have a 1:9 twist non chrome lined barrel.

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aks are only good upto 200 yards some will shoot farther some wont shot to 200 depends on the rifle you get. ak is only good in full auto cause thats when it really counts. the acr is a nice gun this one costs alot cause its the first one made available to the public so it will be a collectors item.

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aks are only good upto 200 yards some will shoot farther some wont shot to 200 depends on the rifle you get. ak is only good in full auto cause thats when it really counts. the acr is a nice gun this one costs alot cause its the first one made available to the public so it will be a collectors item.


Go watch those slow mo videos of AKs in full auto. The barrel flexes. You aren't hitting anything when it does that.

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