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1. Your in-game name: Chillin

2. Server that you were banned on: [HG] 24/7 Minigames | Fast DL | HeLLsGamers.com

3. The Banning admin: KAC

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0:11476017

5. Reason for ban: KAC: ConVar openscript violation


Thanks for implementing a malicious program that looks into people's computers onto your server with no warning =\. I'm sure they could use it to steal account info if they felt so inclined. I've been playing on this servers for years and find it pretty inconveniencing for this to happen when all I wanted to do was get on and dick around for 15 minutes.


Anyways, I've done what the instructions say to do on removing w/e caused it. I'm not banned on the KAC website so I haven't requested an unban there, but will if needed.


Thanks in advance.

Edited by Slazenger
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Normally I keep my nose out of things like this, but I have a low threshold for ignorance.


First and foremost, KAC looks for manipulated cvars that are commonly changed by client-side cheats or exploits. Think of it as a more specific, private extension to a server being protected by VAC.


So your client connects to OUR servers and KAC makes sure you're keeping your nose clean. You connect to ANY server at your own risk. Nobody is forcing you to play here.


Even if you're unbanned from the KAC list for this specific issue, you still have to have your ban here overturned, so I seriously suggest you adjust your attitude if you want that to happen.

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Normally I keep my nose out of things like this, but I have a low threshold for ignorance.


First and foremost, KAC looks for manipulated cvars that are commonly changed by client-side cheats or exploits. Think of it as a more specific, private extension to a server being protected by VAC.


So your client connects to OUR servers and KAC makes sure you're keeping your nose clean. You connect to ANY server at your own risk. Nobody is forcing you to play here.


Even if you're unbanned from the KAC list for this specific issue, you still have to have your ban here overturned, so I seriously suggest you adjust your attitude if you want that to happen.


Try to read this in a non-subjectively. I'm not trying to be ungracious, whiny, or trying to specifically target anybody here. All I want is to be unbanned and for my qualms about this system to be understood. I'm not a little kid who's upset he got banned for being racist/being an asshole; I'm a normal player.


I've been playing here for over 4 years without an issue, so forgive me if I'm a little annoyed for getting perma-banned the moment I join the server for inadvertently doing something I didn't even know was wrong.


Why isn't there a warning ban that tells people what they did so they can remove it if they didn't know it was wrong? Most of the people with the script are using it for something stupid like bunny hopping(which is why I had it, but I hopped better manually so I never used it again), so auto-perm banning on first sight is just bad design. The CS:S player base is shrinking pretty rapidly with new games coming out, so when you lose people there's a good chance you won't get new people to replace them. Just a thought.


Anyways, on to the issue: according to http://kigenac.com/bancheck.php it says I'm not banned. Do I still need to make a post on their forums? You may want to look into that if I should be banned on there but am not.

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Non-server-threatening scripts only ban locally, as in this case.


The issue is you're going on about how you're upset that our server could steal your information, but we've been running KAC for quite a long time without incident. This is a new update that protects against a wave of malicious new server crashing scripts (and gets rid of unfair advantages like B-hop scripts with it). So if your identity was going to be stolen with KAC, it would've already happened. I hope you would have a little more faith in the clan whose servers you've been playing on for such a long time. We wouldn't subject our players to anything questionable, considering we also play on the servers.



The ban doesn't discriminate and it's there only to protect the servers that you seem to like.


You're unbanned. Have fun.





From technowizard JJK:

There is a difference between security programs like spore or Warden for World of Warcraft that checks files in the background, and detecting if a game is running with an addon loaded.

Edited by Slazenger
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