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1. Abuser name: -hg- Scott


2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:25270962


3. What server: Jailbreak


4. About what time:



-Scott3-21: Sunday March 21st 1:14pm PST

-scott03-30-10 Tuesday March 30th 11:30pm PST



-Scott3: Tuesday March 16th 8:53pm PST

-ScottAbuse2: Sunday March 21st 1:12pm PST

-scottbanshimself: Monday March 22nd 5:59pm PST

-scottbanshimself2: Monday March 22nd 9:32pm PST

-scottbanshimself3: Tuesday March 23rd 5:50pm PST



5. PROOF: (all screenshots provided below)


-Scott3-21 http://www.mediafire.com/?knezjjzgmyz

-scott03-30-10 http://www.mediafire.com/?ywjxmezmmgw


6. Please tell us about the incident:




-He slayed T-hg- I KILLED TUPAC because he was in lower VIP checking the pool for rioters. All the T's were in a designated spot on their bunks all fine and frozen. He 'assumed' it was baiting although I've been told many times by Slaz that it is not baiting and CTs are allowed to go in there to check for rioters in the pool if the T's are frozen away from it in a fashion that the CT's wouldn't be right near the T's.




- This coincides with the demo "Scott3-21" so please bare with that in mind. Scott was spamming the all chat several times just to tell the lead CT to "quit justifying your kills". But, the bothersome thing about it is he's calling someone "you idiot" over All-chat as an admin and a representative of HG (even if a recruit). I honestly see nothing wrong with justification of kills, especially if someone screams "freekill", but to spam All-chat to tell them to stop and in such a rude way in uncalled for.



scottbanshimself: scottbanshimself2: scottbanshimself3:


-These are self explained. I don't think it's such a "bannable offense" as just pointlessly using admin powers. There's an 'exit game' button for a reason and to use admin abilities to constantly leave server in such an melodramatic way is just kind of abusive. Yes, I know Weeman did it once, but it was only once as far as I know and it was damned funny. This, it's over excessive.




-Tick 18000-18500

This is part of the thing associated with image "ScottAbuse2". Here he's using All-chat to tell Nameless to "Nameless, stop justifying kills please, just kill them."


-Tick 21000-23000

A very questionable slap and slay. Player "headshot mustang" was standing quite near the T's when they were crouched at the bottom of cell stairs. He moves back after a couple of seconds, but then Scott decides to slap him (which makes him get almost on top of the T's) once and then slay him right next to them, which ends up gunplanting the T's.





-Tick 46000-5160

Scott kicks player 'Shawn' for "talking over lead" when at the time the only thing the lead was doing was asking/bickering another CT for the Awp gun for a War Day. Shawn had only asked another player to "shut up" because the other player was making fun of the lead CT's accent when he'd said "freeze" by typing out "fwreeze". I call this another very questionable call indeed.



Around the tick 49000 *Bimmer* (a CT) kills Scott in lower VIP. The orders were for all T's to be frozen until the cell doors open for the War Day. If you watch very, very closely at the mini-map in the demo you can clearly see that Scott was moving in his cell. Well, Scott doesn't think that the kill was justified and slays *Bimmer*. After the slay he immediately teamswitches *Bimmer* as well. There's no words or anything after that from Scott; no warning not to switch back, no nothing. *Bimmer* disconnects and then reconnects and joins as CT again. As this point around 53900 Scott then bans *Bimmer* with the message "dont fuckin ignore admins" for 1440 minutes (24 hours). This is completely ass backwards as the kill that the CT performed was justified and the slay was completely inappropriate, as was the teamswitch and the following ban. This is the biggest and most harsh example of egregious administrator abuse that I've seen thus far.






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All I'd like to add is while I don't mind Scott as a person, I've had repeated issues with him directly questioning me and other admins on their actions and decisions, sometimes publicly. I've spokn to him about that a couple times.



He also has been unmuting himself to playing HLSS sounds over the mic, for example farts, etc. That's been happening on multiple occasions and reported by multiple people.


I'll pull up logs.

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I am commenting because I have been in HG for a while and know the admin rules to jailbreak being a former admin there. I was also in the server for a couple of the "proof" listed.





#1 - Using !msay to tell CT's to get out of Lower VIP is legit. If the T's are still in Lower VIP and a CT goes in there, it is technically baiting. Granted, Scott should have waited a couple more seconds for Tupac to leave...other than that, the screen shot shown is Scott using his admin powers to enforce the rules like he is suppose too.


#2 - Scott is using "all chat" to tell someone important involving the game. Yes, he shouldn't have added the "stop spamming idiot" at the end, but mistakes are easily forgiven when something that small.


#3 - I was here during this random ban. I think it's funny. It reminds me of Weeman when he bans himself with "WTF are you doing in here" Not abuse, just fun. ^.^ I do it sometimes when I am bored...it doesn't affect anyone else playing the game.


#4 - Again, as I said in #3...just fun. Doesn't affect anyone else playing the game.


#5 - ***SEE #4***




-Tick 21000-23000

A very questionable slap and slay. Player "headshot mustang" was standing quite near the T's when they were crouched at the bottom of cell stairs. He moves back after a couple of seconds, but then Scott decides to slap him (which makes him get almost on top of the T's) once and then slay him right next to them, which ends up gunplanting the T's.


As you can clearly see in the demo, mustang is TOO close to the T's. Scott did the right thing by slapping him first. As soon as he was slapped, you can see mustang getting too close again. Scott then did the right thing and slayed him.




Around the tick 49000 *Bimmer* (a CT) kills Scott in lower VIP. The orders were for all T's to be frozen until the cell doors open for the War Day. If you watch very, very closely at the mini-map in the demo you can clearly see that Scott was moving in his cell. Well, Scott doesn't think that the kill was justified and slays *Bimmer*. After the slay he immediately teamswitches *Bimmer* as well. There's no words or anything after that from Scott; no warning not to switch back, no nothing. *Bimmer* disconnects and then reconnects and joins as CT again. As this point around 53900 Scott then bans *Bimmer* with the message "dont fuckin ignore admins" for 1440 minutes (24 hours). This is completely ass backwards as the kill that the CT performed was justified and the slay was completely inappropriate, as was the teamswitch and the following ban. This is the biggest and most harsh example of egregious administrator abuse that I've seen thus far.


This is the only one I will kinda agree with...but barley...War Day was called...which kinda makes the "freeze" order no longer in play. Scott is moving slightly when looking at the "minimap" but as soon as "Bimmer" walks over to Lower VIP, Scott is moving slightly, and then killed. But like I said, this one is out of my control or opinion. I'm not sure if when a War Day is called, that all other orders are void.

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Thank you Jessica for clarifying that. I personally think Siph hates me, but thats besides the point. All of what Jessica said would be the same things I would say. Why put up an abuse report for banning myself? And this is what happened with the slap. I saw him too close, and backed away. I gave him a slap to warn him he's doing wrong. He then moved to the ts again, and then I slayed him. For the "justifying kills" incident, I don't remember who but an admin did say it isn't necessary to justify your kills, and I didn't really care until he started doing it over lead. Next, with the bimmer thing, after a war day is called, other orders are superceeded so I didn't freeslay when he killed me for moving. And finally, I do admit I was wrong to ban him for a day when I didn't warn him to switch back, but don't you think it's implied that if I switch him to T, it was for a reason and if he went back to t, it was disobeying an admin? Common sense.

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Thank you Jessica for clarifying that. I personally think Siph hates me, but thats besides the point. All of what Jessica said would be the same things I would say. Why put up an abuse report for banning myself? And this is what happened with the slap. I saw him too close, and backed away. I gave him a slap to warn him he's doing wrong. He then moved to the ts again, and then I slayed him. For the "justifying kills" incident, I don't remember who but an admin did say it isn't necessary to justify your kills, and I didn't really care until he started doing it over lead. Next, with the bimmer thing, after a war day is called, other orders are superceeded so I didn't freeslay when he killed me for moving. And finally, I do admit I was wrong to ban him for a day when I didn't warn him to switch back, but don't you think it's implied that if I switch him to T, it was for a reason and if he went back to t, it was disobeying an admin? Common sense.


he disconnected and rejoined, despite not warning him he knew he was avoiding a switch imo.

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Not abuse, though scott you really need to start giving warnings, and not being so quick to your admin menu, else people make abuse threads like this to try to get it taken away. This doesn't constitute admin removal but will be considered if another case arises.

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