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Listed to my problems


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I don't feel like playing games right now so I figured I'd make a QQ post about how shitty I'm feeling atm. I went to the dentist last week and had 2 fillings done, both on the right side of my mouth (2nd to last molars) I had some pain for a day which I had expected and it went away. 2 days later, the pain came back into the bottom tooth, it was so bad that I decided to go and visit the dentist and talk to him about it 2 days ago. Well, since then, the tooth stopped hurting and I started to think I was in the clear. Right when that tooth stops hurting, the other one that was done on the top started hurting so badly that I took 5 extra strength tylenol and I've been up all night laying down trying to fall asleep. Probably not gonig to school tomorrow

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wait, 5?


lol, I have a strong feeling your gooing to pass out and not wake up for over 24 hours


If that's the case, I should be dead from OTC painkillers already. Ibuprofen stopped working for me in high school due to football and so Excedrin and I have become good friends.

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I don't feel like playing games right now so I figured I'd make a QQ post about how shitty I'm feeling atm. I went to the dentist last week and had 2 fillings done, both on the right side of my mouth (2nd to last molars) I had some pain for a day which I had expected and it went away. 2 days later, the pain came back into the bottom tooth, it was so bad that I decided to go and visit the dentist and talk to him about it 2 days ago. Well, since then, the tooth stopped hurting and I started to think I was in the clear. Right when that tooth stops hurting, the other one that was done on the top started hurting so badly that I took 5 extra strength tylenol and I've been up all night laying down trying to fall asleep. Probably not gonig to school tomorrow




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