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Starcraft 2 Beta - Bnet Emulator near completion


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  • 2 weeks later...


En Taro Adun, Terrans.


I am the Executor, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are foolish, cowardly, inferior beings who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass colonies. You are everything that is bad in the universe. Honestly, have any of you killed a Zerg? I mean, I guess it's fun slaughtering people because of your own insecurities, but you all take it to a whole new level. This is even worse than letting Kerrigan get turned into the Queen of Blades.


Your thoughts betray you. Just construct additional pylons. I'm pretty much perfected form. I was captain of the forces of Aiur, and I led the charge into Char. What wars do you fight, other than "killing your own people?" I also wield psionic blades, and have aided in the destruction of the Zerg Overmind (She just blew me; shit was SO Zeratul). You are all fa****s who should just kill yourselves. En Taro Adun.

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Enjoy not being able to do anything with it? You need to auth with bnet unless you have an emu, in which case you're probably going to enjoy playing against very easy bots.




Here's the downloader.


haha.....there are a few good AI scripts out there...good for trying the game out, thats about it!

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