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Open Beta


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For those of you who enjoy RTS style games or have played Dota, Heroes of newerth is in open beta.




For the other flamers who intend to flame this thread let me just say ahead of time John loves HoN the MOST so flame him.


Make sure to leave him a comment on his page for a 1v1 if you think you can beat this allstar pro.


Also, in case you're dumb and want to reply to this thread with a link to another thread let me just say there is another thread like this one but it doesn't tell everyone our HoN division leader.





*cough cough* Doobie

Edited by Kinta
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I tried making a little clan on there but all the tags you could possibly use that would even relate are taken and I could never get enough people online at once.


I've had the game for about 5 or 6 months myself.

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I tried making a little clan on there but all the tags you could possibly use that would even relate are taken and I could never get enough people online at once.


I've had the game for about 5 or 6 months myself.


Make some random anything, will be easier to sort out matches and stuff plus you can get people on at the same time now

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Lol guys check out the new hero coming soon






I played him in practice mode a minute ago and he is pretty cool with his rockets and his ult is like a behemoth fissure but does damage when anyone walks into it



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