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Spring Cleaning Time For HG?


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Since I got my wisdom teeth out a few days ago, I have way too much time on my hands. I just looked at the HG roster and noticed that there are very many inactive users(users who have not been on the website in over 30 days, I believe). If I can count correctly, there are:


10 Inactive Veterans


29 Inactive Members


and a whooping, 67 Inactive Recruits.



I think it is time to clear out some of these people who do not actively participate on the fourm. I myself do not get on all that much, but I make an effort to try and get on when I can. This is mostly for staff/council, but any support from other peers would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you for your time. =]


*EDIT* Thats 106 inactive people uot of the 458 people in the total HG community

Edited by xsniperx7
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Out with the old, in with the new...


Bring out yer dead. Bring out yer dead.



Oh, and just to give a clear picture of what happens when you're away from your computer for too long:




Apparently garden gnomes move in and plant a field.:drum:

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Out with the old, in with the new...


Bring out yer dead. Bring out yer dead.



Oh, and just to give a clear picture of what happens when you're away from your computer for too long:




Apparently garden gnomes move in and plant a field.:drum:


Where can I get a cannabis keyboard like that?

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Out with the old, in with the new...


Bring out yer dead. Bring out yer dead.



Oh, and just to give a clear picture of what happens when you're away from your computer for too long:




Apparently garden gnomes move in and plant a field.:drum:


So that's what happens when you leave a load of "seeds" all over your keyboard.

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I don't know if this is the right spot to add but likeeeee can we start enforcing the rule of being in vent when you are playing more?


yes please! I have seen people that I have asked them if they're on vent, and they just straight up said "no".

after that I tell them to gt the fuck on vent right now!

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[insert worthless post here]


Good for you.







. Don't worry, when the time comes we'll do our cleaning.


Any idea on when that time might be?



yes please! I have seen people that I have asked them if they're on vent, and they just straight up said "no".

after that I tell them to gt the fuck on vent right now!


im usually on vent....but my comp is located in my dad's office >< so i cant talk on the mic anyways........................

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