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Hobbs vs. The Lich King


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I cannot tell if that's serious or a joke. Seeing as most people think it's a joke being posted on April 1st and all.


Honestly, and no personal attack against Hobbs, but if I met someone who was like this, I'd think they were a total douchebag. To say "I carried them" and "spoon feed them" and everything, not to mention being totally greedy with items that he may not even need or use, it's all just a bunch of ridiculousness. Especially if you went on an extended time away from the game, leaving leadership under new management, AND had no helping experience within the instanced dungeon itself.



But, if it IS an April Fools joke.....eh, I don't know if it's that funny or not (not like the "I've got a demo of you hacking" Rick Rolls that they did over Vent).




Edit: Sorry but I've got to make it clear WHY I think that if a person really acts like this that they're a douchebag. It's because a guild isn't about who started it or an individual person, it's about the whole group and the progress, the journey, work that they all do together as a team. It wouldn't matter if you had the best epics in the world and the coolest looking website, none of that would matter without the group that together fights the enemy and helps get them killed/downed or that makes up a guild. Every time there's reports of a "world 1st" or "someone downed such-n-such boss" , there's no word of a single individual that did it, but an entire guild that worked together to get the goal done. This "me, me, me" additude doesn't belong in a guild, especially a raiding guild as it ruins everyone else time, even if it's the guild leader (that's when a guild should just secede and then form their own guild....which I once did against my old guild leader many years ago, prior to TBC).

Edited by Siphaed
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But, if it IS an April Fools joke.....eh, I don't know if it's that funny or not (not like the "I've got a demo of you hacking" Rick Rolls that they did over Vent).


Who did this?


I did this to Bort probably about a year ago. Recorded a demo of myself playing the song over HLSS and told him to watch it cause I couldn't decide whether a guy was hacking or not.


Unoriginal jokes :(

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Who did this?


I did this to Bort probably about a year ago. Recorded a demo of myself playing the song over HLSS and told him to watch it cause I couldn't decide whether a guy was hacking or not.


Unoriginal jokes :(


Weeman did it to several people....





Unoriginal or not, it was funny. This, this video is not that funny (IF, and I strongly say "IF" it is a joke at all, but from the looks of it, it doesn't seem to be).

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I don't know if this is April fools or not. For one i just checked the armory and it says that he isn't in Recycled Heroes but than again, the armory is known for there updates...Meaning they take forever to update, yet it's April 1st and at the end of the video he yells LF guild to carry me through Lich King! and if you watched some of his earlier videos. he always got guild invites, he just doesn't yell that in the middle of stormwind because of course millions of people already invited him. So i am going towards the april fools side. But im not to sure.

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