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-hg- left4bread


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1. Abuser name: -hg- left4bread


2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:17845072


3. What server: jb

4. About what time: 12:05 PM Eastern


5. PROOF: fgfgdfg.jpg If you look, it shows me killing him, and then him instantly banning me. Sorry I dont have a demo, but when l4b comes to plead his case, itll make more since.


6. Please tell us about the incident: I was CT, Left4bread, or l4b, was in first cell and made it into armory at the very beginning of the round. He was told to WALK to 2nd cell. He RAN to 2nd cell, so I shot him in the face. I was given no warning, i was never kicked, he just instantly banned me. Now im not an admin, nor do i play jb that much, but arent you supposed to slay/warn and then kick offenders?(which im not)....and ban? if since this is jb...shouldnt i be switched to T if i freekilled?(which I didnt)

Edited by xsniperx7
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xsniper i dident ban you because of the orders, what u did for killing me was correct. i did give u a warning. u were disrespecting admins. i have no proof but u said " u said u dont care about admins when i was asking u about why u were glitching the big cage. Another admin told me u were already warned not to do that so i just banned you for disrespecting. I think i accdently put freekill/disrespecting on reason so i take full resposibility for that it was my fault

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so then why did you ban him after he killed you? i find holes in this story. and i dont see the issue with a ct going into big cage if the Ts are not in their despite the fact that they aren't supposed to be there, hell i wish that barrier was removed so we could be more creative with games.

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I think it was yahoo that told me he was warned not to do that so i just took action. If no one warned him then i think that it would be okay to do that but sence some1 did that was his warning along with his disrespect, it had nothing to do with him killing me i was just late to baning him on it

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A kick would have been more appropriate, now my opinion on the glitching big cage is still just my opinion, it is however up to admin's discretion with it so sniper if someone tells you not to go in there, dont go in there!. now on the other hand left4bread its not your right to ban him right away, kick him first with the reason "dont do it again" then you have the right to ban him. I think this thread has reached its conclusion if noone else has any more supporting evidence?

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i have no proof

Then don't talk about what you can't prove.


If no one warned him then i think that it would be okay to do that but sence some1 did that was his warning along with his disrespect, it....


No one warned me for the 3 hours that i was in the server that day not to go in there. You have no proof that someone warned me., so dont lie and say they did. Therefore it is, like you said okay that i was in there.....3 rounds before you banned me. You werent "late" about banning me, you lost your cool and got ban happy. And yes, Weeman I fully understand, after the first time you saw me go in there and we talked about it, i only go in when no ts are in or around it, and if they are ordered in or on top of it, i jump out of it.



And disrespect Left4bread?

1. show me proof of disrespect.

2. your an admin, not a god, i showed you just as much respect as i did to every single other person in that server.



@staff/council, all im asking is that his ability to ban is revoked. He's a fine admin, but banning people just because he holds a grudge against them is just ridiculous.

Edited by xsniperx7
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Since we are talking about proof so much, where's yours?

All you gave us, is the actual SS of the ban, Not what happened before the ban, or who did it. (Though that is what the ban list is for.)

The fact that Left4Bread banned you after he died, could mean that he just didn't want to do it during the round, and actually play. It could have been a mere coincidence that he banned you after YOU killed him. I have spoken with Left4Bread on many occasions, he has been a regular member of our servers for months, and I'm positive he would know much better than to let his rage control his admin menu.

Whether you were actually warned, and you just decided to ignore it, or Left is actually lying, We have server logs to look through that can tell us.


Regardless, may i remind you that bans 120 minutes or under do not need a ban report, and seeing as how Left does not have that many bans on his record tells me he rarely uses it unless it's really necessary.

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I realize I probably shouldn't be posting in this- BUT since my name was mentioned.... I do NOT remember any of that happening. If anyone I dont think it was me who gave him previous warnings . All I'm saying is that I don't think i warned him about anything. I do not remember any of that happening. Infact i dont think I was even in the server.

Edited by Yoohoo
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Since we are talking about proof so much, where's yours?

All you gave us, is the actual SS of the ban, Not what happened before the ban, or who did it. (Though that is what the ban list is for.)

The fact that Left4Bread banned you after he died, could mean that he just didn't want to do it during the round, and actually play. It could have been a mere coincidence that he banned you after YOU killed him. I have spoken with Left4Bread on many occasions, he has been a regular member of our servers for months, and I'm positive he would know much better than to let his rage control his admin menu.

Whether you were actually warned, and you just decided to ignore it, or Left is actually lying, We have server logs to look through that can tell us.


Regardless, may i remind you that bans 120 minutes or under do not need a ban report, and seeing as how Left does not have that many bans on his record tells me he rarely uses it unless it's really necessary.


My proof shows that I killed him, and within moments he banned me. What else do you want? If I had told the story with false facts, i assure you l4b would have called me out and told you what did happen, seeing how he didnt, my story was fact.


During the round? I was in the big cage starting 19 rounds ago. If he wanted to ban me anytime during then, or warn me, he couldve done that.



why is "you" capatilized? what are YOU trying to say?


hes been here for months,okay, ive been here for much longer, dont let your personal opinions of him blind you of his abuse.


And i know how ban reports work, you dont have to tell me.

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Since we are talking about proof so much, where's yours?

All you gave us, is the actual SS of the ban, Not what happened before the ban, or who did it. (Though that is what the ban list is for.)

The fact that Left4Bread banned you after he died, could mean that he just didn't want to do it during the round, and actually play. It could have been a mere coincidence that he banned you after YOU killed him. I have spoken with Left4Bread on many occasions, he has been a regular member of our servers for months, and I'm positive he would know much better than to let his rage control his admin menu.

Whether you were actually warned, and you just decided to ignore it, or Left is actually lying, We have server logs to look through that can tell us.


Regardless, may i remind you that bans 120 minutes or under do not need a ban report, and seeing as how Left does not have that many bans on his record tells me he rarely uses it unless it's really necessary.


I was in the server when it happened, he was upset he died and then said:

"That kid is pissing me off so I banned him, you guys can make a report on me I don't care"


After reading this thread he should know the problem, and not to use admin say for every little thing he types.

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