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Hello, fellow HG members or friends of HG.


I have recently come about some awful news. On the afternoon of April 10, 2010, my uncle had passed away from Cancer. This is the 2nd relative I have lost to Cancer (including my Grandmother).


The thing is, we were never really close. In fact, I think we may not even be related. But everyone in my family considers them to be family. I don't know his age, last name, or where he lived. All I know is that he was an FBI agent, and his son is a cop.


My mom is sobbing in the kitchen right now. It really is affecting my mom's side of the family. I may not be on for a little while (a week at most) because there is probably going to be a lot going on.


Has this happened to any of you? Were they close?



also, DON'T SMOKE!

Edited by SayHelloRosco
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I'm really sorry to hear that.


I've had it happen in my family quite a bit. About 9 of my family members have passes away from some form of cancer (grandpa, grandma, and numerous aunts and uncles). And you're right. Smoking is really not a good idea. :(

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I lost one to completely random throat cancer. He wasn't a tobacco user, but ended up with it anyway. Actually, he had a heart attack from the weight he lost to prep for the surgery, but it's pretty much all the same.


I lost my grandpa to lung cancer brought on by Agent Orange exposure. That was kind of unpleasant.

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