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football-WR gloves


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You don't need gloves playing freshmen football.. your QB does not throw hard enough for you to need them.


the only time they wore gloves was when it was cold and snowing, other thent hat man up and just catch the ball.


even as a dlinemen I never wore gloves, I started all 4 years of HS.



just go out there and have fun, its freshmen year.

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I doubt they make them anymore, but I had a pair of Reebok (I think) receiver gloves with a pad strip running across the knuckles. I played WR, CB/S and the occasional running back play, so the versatility was nice. That and I was always a little paranoid about broken hands since I also play the guitar.

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In my opinion gloves suck Period

I play qb/linebacker and gloves just make it harder to wrap up

And high-school you most likely won't just play receiver

Just spit on your hands


I never had a problem wrapping up with gloves. Probably because I knew how to tackle and fight on the ground before football.


The big advantage of gloves is that they stay dry. Or at least less wet. It's a PITA to carry a towel unless you work in the backfield.

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In my opinion gloves suck Period

I play qb/linebacker and gloves just make it harder to wrap up

And high-school you most likely won't just play receiver

Just spit on your hands



I think pwned just tried to say that he does something other than sitting at home trolling the forums. Or perhaps while he's on the field he's using his 3G phone to peruse the forums?



In all honesty though, ignore everyone here and do what works best for you. I played two years of football before I gave it up to work all the time, but whatever works the best for you is what you should go with. You'll figure out really quickly whether or not using gloves help. If they do, find a pair that fits you and looks the way you want them to.




This site has shitloads of gloves and reviews on them. Also links to the retailers that have them.





Ignore the trolls and do what's best for you. Have fun with football, it's an awesome team sport.

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Are you sure you're big enough to play football?

And i'd go with underarmour.


I was about 5'6" and between 105 and 115 lbs. the entire time I played, so nobody is too small to play. I was made of sex and muscle. I also learned that being tackled is not very fun, so I had to be more agile than everyone else.

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