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Garry's Mod


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I know how cool garry's mod is i searched a lot to find it and when i did i got pissed off

I'm from greece and why sould i tell my gretid cart code to someone in america that i can't trust(STEAM)


i want to play gmod really but no one is selling it in greece :(

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I've never seen a retail copy of GMod. Valve is about as reputable as software companies go when it comes to transactions.


They do support Paypal and Fastclick, as well as another 3rd party that I don't recognize in addition to credit cards if either of those float your boat. I don't have a live credit card right now due to my bank being staffed by idiots and my lack of caring enough to get the card number corrected, so I run all of my transactions through Paypal.

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Or (if they support this in Greece) pay cash for a prepaid VISA or Mastercard card and pay that way.


The card will not be linked to a bank account, so should be good.


Other than that, trust will keep you from Garry's Mod. Unless someone gifts it to you in STEAM.

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*Ahem* No one left the topic. This is what you sound like.


You sound like you're a cash person. Get with the times mang.

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Honestly, i do not see what the problem is here..


If STEAM did not have over 2 million people who trusted them, and actually payed for their games, they would be bankrupt and not exist. Like Kinta said, Why pay for food with your credit card, if you are scared of them stealing your money. If you don't trust steam, why the hell are you playing through it? Let alone joining a gaming community based on steam games.


Theft is a crime no matter where you are, I'm pretty sure the paying system for steam is automatic, meaning no little cashier or banker will have access to your credit card.


We will help you in any way, but when you are scared of something happening, even when many people have done it and have been safe with it, there's nothing we can do about that bud.

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If he doesn't trust Steam he can always give me his credit card information in a PM and I'll buy the game with my money and then take the same amount from his card.


Unfortunately, the strip bar has a 50 dollar minimum on credit transactions, so you'll have to be a little creative on where to charge it.

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Honestly, i do not see what the problem is here..


If STEAM did not have over 2 million people who trusted them, and actually payed for their games, they would be bankrupt and not exist. Like Kinta said, Why pay for food with your credit card, if you are scared of them stealing your money. If you don't trust steam, why the hell are you playing through it? Let alone joining a gaming community based on steam games.


Theft is a crime no matter where you are, I'm pretty sure the paying system for steam is automatic, meaning no little cashier or banker will have access to your credit card.


We will help you in any way, but when you are scared of something happening, even when many people have done it and have been safe with it, there's nothing we can do about that bud.


im not scared *-.-* im just asking the for the most is easy and most safe way to get gmod from steam or somewhere else:noworry:


P.S:i telling this beucase you guys are from U.S.A which is 1 of the most evolved countries in the world.

Mine country is having large problems with economy

So im little aware what our banks can do...............

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im not scared *-.-* im just asking the for the most is easy and most safe way to get gmod from steam or somewhere else:noworry:


P.S:i telling this beucase you guys are from U.S.A which is 1 of the most evolved countries in the world.

Mine country is having large problems with economy

So im little aware what our banks can do...............


If you're leery of YOUR banks, the pre-paid debit card is probably the way to go. On this side of the pond, you can get them in most large stores and pay cash to create a balance.


If you're leery of Paypal, they have to abide by US laws, which usually does a good job of protecting the user. You can think of Paypal as a service that writes your check for you, you authorize it (signing it), then they send that amount to the vendor and cash your check. It's pretty safe.

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