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Garry's Mod


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If you're leery of YOUR banks, the pre-paid debit card is probably the way to go. On this side of the pond, you can get them in most large stores and pay cash to create a balance.


If you're leery of Paypal, they have to abide by US laws, which usually does a good job of protecting the user. You can think of Paypal as a service that writes your check for you, you authorize it (signing it), then they send that amount to the vendor and cash your check. It's pretty safe.


what do you use (final decision)

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what do you use (final decision)


Lol. Well, being an adult with access to both plastic and ACH-type accounts (Paypal/Google Checkout), I use Paypal as much as I can. It keeps track of my purchases for me, does it securely and has a fairly solid dispute system if you get over/doublecharged or defrauded.


Realistically, it's about on par with the kind of protection we get on a credit card when it comes to liability in the States. It's really up to you.

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buy a prepaid debit card for whatevr it will cost you put the numbers in on the card and there wont be any traces to your account or you so there noting to worry about with banks you buy these card from stores.

Whatever is left donate :)

IF that doesnt hel.lp then i don't know what.

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