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Dragon Age, stop glitching, please.


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Lol. I had quite a few annoying things happen while I was playing this game.


#1 was the damned memory leak that made load times unbearable.

#2 was the weird graphics breaking battles that would turn Shale or any of the other golem characters into beams of light that you couldn't look at. ;(

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so your characters just so happen to have boosted stats and still have 100 attribute points to spend and you say its the game glitching.... hmmmmmmmm



I didn't hack anything. My guy leveled up once, and I was playing around with his attributes. After I finished putting the attributes into my preferred slots, I exited the character leveling window but the level up button was still flashing next to my avatar, so I clicked it and I had 100 attribute points to left. It's frozen at 100 and never goes down. Rofl.

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