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Goodbye-ish for now.

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So, the short story is that I'm getting ready for finals and doing some end of the semester work (hence why I haven't been around a lot anyway.) I'm moving back to my old place juuuuuust north of town without dedicated land-line broadband. So I'll be on cellular internet which, obviously, is a huge no-no for any FPS or lag sensitive game. I have no clue if or when I'll get land-line internet again at that location, so I won't be on TF/L4D/BFBC2 at all. :(


That said, I'll still be around on steam/the forums to poke and prod, but past that I won't be around to play for a couple months at least while I beg AT&T to install a junction box for DSL. (Lines are there but inactive.)


So I just wanted to update and say that. I've missed you guys and hopefully I'll be back again very soon.

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