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Q-tips are bad

I Love Lamp

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So yesterday, I was chilling, relaxing, et all, and all of a sudden i went deaf in my left ear. As in, people talk, I no hear-y from the left side. I thought I just had earwax, so I used a qtip to try and clean it out. No dice. So I used some hydrogen peroxide. No dice, and now my inner ear felt like it was on fire. I just shrugged it off and went to sleep.


This morning, I got up, my ear ached bad. I said the hell with it and went to work anyways. As we were dropping pallets (which is real loud by the way, my almost split open with pain as I dropped a stack of them. It hurt so bad I actually almost fell over, clutching my ear. I figured it was about time to go to the doctor.


So I head up to the ER, which was thankfully empty (it was 5:30 am after all), and I go to see a doctor, and she told me that I had ruptured my ear canal.


Basically, what happened is that when using Q-tip to clean your ear, you make the skin and tissue in the ear canal irritated and sensitive, even if you don't use it into the ear canal. When it's really sensitive, almost anything can cause complications, and even tear a hole in it. Changes in pressure, loud noises, a buildup of water, can cause it.


So now I have to take eardrops, 10 drops, twice a day for ten days. And if that doesn't heal it, I have to get a skin graft in my ear, which sounds really sucky.


So the lesson hear is, never use Q-tips for your ears. At all. EVER.

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Guest The_Monkey
you should try the cotton tipped Q-tips, as opposed to the diamond tipped ones you're using now.


You made my day...I love you.

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why did he even use peroxide,now really,mostly everytime you use it,it ends up something burning like hell,and now it made it worse by you actually sticking it in your ear,which is ruptured,and caused the flaming ear,now all you have to do is light it on fire :)

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haha. sorry to hear about your pains. That's why as a kid growing up my parents told me to never use q-tips because they could damage your ear and make you deaf, etc. We went through a phase where we got the babyproof q-tips where you can't stick them in your ear. it only cleans the outside of em. glad we quit getting babyproof q-tips though. idk what i'd do without em

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