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-pF- Dani -HG-

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1. Abuser name: C0r3y

2. Their Steam Id: Don't have

3. What sever: Jailbreak

4. About what time: I don't know

5. PROOF: Corey.jpg


I know I shouldn't be posting about a mass slay since I just had an abuse thread like that against myself, but I did catch one of the mass slays on console. He also did another one about 10 minutes after as well. I didn't get the SS of that one but lordofhell saw it.

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I did mass slay them twice. Once was because EVERYONE OF THEM freekilled with no warnings, except maybe 1 person. The other slay was because we were on prison break final and they didn't open all the cells and it was approximately 4:50. I do aplogize for my language as I know I have a habit of doing it. I am sorry for doing this and it was a mistake as I have made them before. I thought it was the most appropriate thing to do at the time. So once again I am sorry and it won't happen again.

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Mass slaying/muting/kicking and all things of that nature are not aloud unless there is a great reason for it. unfortunetly, "the whole team was freekilling" is not a good reason. you only need to slay a few and GIVE THEM REASONS and most other will get the point. and as for the not opening the cells thing, im working on a fix for that..

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