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Acceptance Letter


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So, after doing the Juicy (sitting at a community college for a couple of years), I finally got accepted to Virginia Tech's College of Engineering. I'll probably start taking summer classes, so there could be times where I'm not on for days at a time. What makes me the happiest is that I'm taking the best elective ever next fall...Brewing.

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Walk in with a hg shirt and represent


...and then get beat up.



Oh wait, it's a tech school.





Thanks guys.




I was going to get this for "classes" next year, but I was thinking about getting one of those Skin It things and putting HG all over it.


It has an i7 and 8 gigs of ram. I would guess it has about a 25 minute battery life on it.

Edited by I Love Lamp
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...and then get beat up.



Oh wait, it's a tech school.







It has an i7 and 8 gigs of ram. I would guess it has about a 25 minute battery life on it.


Dude, I've worn my HG shirt in a bar on a Saturday night more than once. The only game in said bar is Golden Tee. I've pretty much never been messed with in public.


Remember, being a gamer is chic now. Unfortunately.

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So, after doing the Juicy (sitting at a community college for a couple of years), I finally got accepted to Virginia Tech's College of Engineering. I'll probably start taking summer classes, so there could be times where I'm not on for days at a time. What makes me the happiest is that I'm taking the best elective ever next fall...Brewing.


VT fails in comparison to UVA.

Best School Ever.


Cavaliers kick butt so hard. <3

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