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Unban Request


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1. Your in-game name: Aj

2. Server that you were banned on: Jailbreak

3. The Banning admin:Fracture

4. Your Steam-Id:STEAM_0:1:19668196

5. Reason for ban:


Alright, so heres the rundown of what went on.


Its a friday afternoon, and I'm chillen on some jailbreak. I make it to the last 4 people, then we do first reaction, last reaction. Someone awps the guy that fails, but the awp shot went through and freekilled me as well. Immediatly the guy said he was sorry and slayed himself, I wasn't that mad at all.


fRacture enters the server, and the first thing he says is along the lines of "Good job freekilling Aj"



From a fairly respected and high up admin, hearing this from him is dissapointing and disrespectful towards me, knowing that an admin has it out for me that much that he would applaud someone for freekilling. I commented towards him to please leave me alone and stop being a douchebag to me, I was just sick of it. He couldn't take this, so from that moment on he had his mind set on banning me.


Next round starts up and the lead does a couple traps. The orders were to crouch walk, so everyone was really close to there cell. I saw fracture wayy outside so I said that fracture was too far out, kill him.


I was then muted for "spamming" when lead was not even talking, followed by fracture quickly reacting to stay alive with me shut up not able to alert the CTs that he rebelled.


I then got banned.



Also, if you look at his previous "ban" for me also for disrespecting, you could clearly see this guy hates me. I got banned for joking around, telling someone I couldn't hear them :because they had a dick in their mouth" , when they were typing. It didn't even make any sense, but apparently enough sense for fracture to ban me for a day.



So in conclusion,

-Fracture came in, encouraged the freekilling of me -- Obviously doesnt like me. These are his first words on the server.


-Fracture mutes me for telling CTs he rebelled -- proceeds to yell at me, ignoring other Ts who obviosly are spamming worse then "i did"...


-Bans me for a week for "disrespect", when I constantly asked to just be left alone by him and not taunted.


-He taunted me to the point where he had enough "evidence" to get me banned.


Thanks for taking the time to read this, I would like an unbiased review of my case, please.

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You might want to fix your proof

Cause those pictures have nothing to do with the sitiuation at least i cant see any relation



Soory first picture i saw u underline the suicide so i was wondering about that

And secondly why did u cross out something u wrote in this one http://i41.tinypic.com/30hycg4.jpg

Edited by n1ckkkkk
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The first picture shows him being pleased with someone freekilling me. The first thing he said when he entered the server.



The second shows how all I took was me asking him to just get off of my back and let me play to make him want to ban me. Thats all it took.

Edited by n1ckkkkk
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This isnt the first time you have been banned for disrespting not only him but admins/others

And "Good job freekilling Aj" is totally different than "Good job killing Aj lolz"

Dont try and put things in his mouth

If im in a server with doobie and i say good job killing doobie would doobie get mad? No!


Youve been banned 5 times on jaiolbreak and once on minigames

only two of those six bans were fracture

He clearly hates you


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This thread is very funny coming from you, I can't wait until JessicaJoy sees it. Yes I was far out of my cell, because I jumped out of it. Then after I did you kept on repeating kill him he didn't follow orders ect.. so I muted you because I'm sick of you spamming every day. Yes I am starting to dislike you more and more because you are very disrespectful to other people and myself. As for banning you before it did make sense to me that you were being disrespectful towards JessicaJoy.


Picture showing even more that you disrespected Jessica, if you think it was unfair and she was doing the same to you then why didn't you get proof of it?


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2 bans were for auto tune (pretty innocent imo, and yoohoo even said one of them was a little to harsh- hes the one that banned me )


1 was on accident by a fail admin


2 were from fracture (he hates me)


1 was minigames

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Stay Banned. If you have any further questions, PM Me.


When you're unbanned, please play nice, have fun, and don't be a negative Nancy.


EDIT: The ban from Minigames is because you were being a douche to JessicaJoy. Don't be a dick.

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so when i search your steam id on our forums, cool threads pop up, you seem to have a huge issue with authority on our servers and our forums, taking the first thread you ever made into account your quite the ass to our members. and fracture's ban report on you is a bit more compelling then your unban request.



1 was on accident by a fail admin



so because someone makes a mistake they become a fail admin? your pushing your luck AJ.

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His ban request for me was this-



That's it.


Fracture came here and fluffed it up, trying to bring Jessica into this. My first post I was just trying to bring back the old time limits, not "be an ass" to other members.


-The admin banned me because someone said "BAN AJ" jokingly Aw come on, thats pretty fail admin.



Seeing the mass amounts of people that seem to agree with a week ban for this-

http://i44.tinypic.com/2rp9tlt.png, I think I'm ganna be gone for a week. I doubt any other admins will go against what all these guys are saying..


Cyall later.


EDIT: I just would like to know why my evidence hasn't been analyzed or at least commented on so I know why it doesn't mean anything.

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I hate to have to put my foot down like this, but it is clearly necessary in this issue.


I'm going to lay this out as plainly as possible.



AJ, if you think someone is treating you unfairly, you don't talk shit to them. You go to an authority figure and ask for help.


If you are banned another time for a respect/insult-related ban you will not be unbanned under any circumstance.




Take your week off, have an attitude adjustment and come back to HG acting properly and obeying our rules. It is a privilege to play on our servers and you are abusing the hell out of your privilege. It will not continue. This is your final warning, so you best heed it.



This subject is dead.

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