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Lost Planet 2


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The first one was quite different from most game types out there, granted it was a shooter but the control scheme amongst other things were very unique. The story PLOT was solid however the main character and the play-through of it was a bit messy. The multiplayer was also amazing, when noone was teleporting around the map due to lag that is.



however, despite the first one the second one is supposed to improve on every aspect where the first one was a bit dusty, its expected to be great, though i never buy into hype-ups. You should be in my opinion, focusing on Red Dead Redemption :) and rent lost planet 2

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Personally, I had no idea what I was doing in the first one. The game play was odd but it was true to itself and unique among other games. I read about the schematics of the sequel and I have to say the story will be really strong and straightforward which is good.

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