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Fut3ch - WTF is this shit?

Cerpin Taxt

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Whether anybody has noticed or not, I haven't been on the Office server in quite a while. I don't need to get into the reason why that is, but suffice it to say that I've been reluctant to return to the server.


Tonight, I decided I come on an play a bit.


Play was going fine for a while, until some kid started mic spamming with HLDJ. Fine, whatever. I told him not to, and either he couldn't hear me, or he didnt care, so I ended up muting him. At the same time, however, This admin:


"Fut3ch" STEAM_0:0:16202058


...was actually encouraging this kid to spam the mic. He literally instructed him to do it. After I had muted the kid, Fut3ch UNmuted him, presumably for the purpose of continuing the spamming. Luckily, the kid had stopped and didn't start for another half dozen rounds or so. Then, he fires up HLDJ again and starts spamming some lame techno song. So, I give him a temp ban for 60 minutes.


Well, Fut3ch isn't happy about that. So he proceeds to threaten me that I'm going to lose my admin, blah blah blah -- I just ignore him. That is, until he starts swapping me to the opposite team whenever he feels like it. Here's a link to a demo of him doing it to me right in the middle of the round:




Notice he does it, then immediately leaves so he doesn't have to be confronted by it -- utterly passive-aggressive.


So WTF guys? Why the fvck do I have to put up with this sh!t the first time I decide to try playing here again? Why would anyone want to come play on your servers with this kind of shit constantly taking place? Fvck that.

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nice bypass word filter thats not even there -.-



If he likes the song being spammed, obviously dont straight up mute the guy or your gonna start an argument


He told me he would not do it again, try to get along

Edited by HT | JJK
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If he likes the song being spammed, obviously dont straight up mute the guy or your gonna start an argument.

WTF are you talking about? The MOTD clearly states NO MIC SPAMMING. I shouldn't have to get every admin's buy-in before I mute an obvious rule-breaker. What's next, every admin on the server has to agree before someone bans a hacker? Besides, I DID warn the spammer, and he didn't stop.


He told me he would not do it again, try to get along

Fuck that. Get him in here to apologize and it might be a bit more convincing.

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Not trying to start shit, but I agree a warning and apologize is relevant. Just a weird thing to do. Start shit with not only another admin but a clan member aswell.


Taxt basically never plays on the server with his HT name, so no one actually knows it's him unless they check ma_admin or someone actually knows him well enough. Lmao.

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