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Just wondering


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I was lead ct and I gave the order "All Ts without standing I would like you to type out what you would like to do today." After I gave that command a few Ts stood up and I shot them. Awwik then slayed me and said thats a contradicting order.


I have seen other HG members do this order. Also I can type stuff just fine without standing (Without using binds). I don't see a problem in this order. If anyone could clarify for me that would be appreciated.

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I haven't seen a way that allows you to type while crouched without having a bind.



Regardless, from what I've heard, you said the "without standing up" part after people had already stood up to type and killed those people (along with ones who had just stood up).

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The only way to do that would be if people did not have Ctrl as their crouch button, and with it being the default setting, I can understand why it's a contradicting order.


EDIT: Just realised that some people might have that toggle crouch bind.

Edited by Dan
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