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KKK on campus


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Daily Toreador - KKK distributes fliers in Lubbock


"The Texas Tech Police Department documented the discovery of hate group fliers from the Ku Klux Klan on April 12 in the C-12 parking lot, and a member of the Lubbock KKK confirmed the fliers are not a prank."



The president of GSA is one of my friends & I'm going to be the Public Relations Officer for GSA next year.


I always knew the KKK was present everywhere, so it's not that big of a deal, but for them to post stuff on our campus? A bit redic.


What do you think?

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Lubbock.... We are good, outstandin Christian, mostly white , smrt people! We don't sell liquor in our city and we don't have a problem with drinking and driving! Our kids don't have sex outside of marriage 'cuz we teach abstinence! There ain't no STI or teen pregnancy problem here. What homeless population? Turn your head, turn your head! Statistics? Statistics are of the Debil! It ain't Christian for people to marry outside their race! God said let the white folks marry the white folks and continue to be white, White Power! It's in the Bible... hold on let me find it..... well I know it's in there, somewhere. Jesus weren't no Jew! Just a misprint... And them gays! Damn them all. Ain't no feller supposed to be kissin up on another feller that just gives me the heebie jeebies, but I do like me some of those girl on girl videos. Got me about 4 of em, hidden of course. Now I ain't gonna tell ya my name, no siree, for security reasons.... like them black and messican and indian and interracialers takin offense and kickin my tail, but come and join our super secret club! We'll give you a cool name like Grand Master or Imperial Moron. We are the invisible empire! You, too, can be invisible!

that's one of the comments on the page....lol
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Here's my version of Lubbock since August when I moved in:

It's full of white, some great Christians, some smart people..most of the frat and sorority girls don't know a dam n thing that's going on in class.


They can now sell liquor in Lubbock instead of going to the Strip...seeing as how the Walmart or gas station like 10 feet away from campus can sell.


Lubbock has one of the highest HIV/AIDS rates for cities. It's gone up by like 300%.


all i gotta say is..you gotta love West Texas...NOT. -.-

I like Dallas so much better

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Just because you're not violating any laws doesn't make you less of a douchebag.


It still doesn't mean that it's not protected by the United States Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land.


Douchebaggery or not. Besides, as stated, why pay mind to those who haven't one themselves? It isn't rational. You're doing their bidding without knowing it.

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It still doesn't mean that it's not protected by the United States Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land.


Douchebaggery or not. Besides, as stated, why pay mind to those who haven't one themselves? It isn't rational. You're doing their bidding without knowing it.


I never said that their speech wasn't protected. Well, at least under current Court rulings. You're either not understanding what I'm saying or putting words in my mouth, and poorly phrased ones at that.


In a democratic society, their votes count as much as yours does. Ignorance is poisonous and it's in everyone's best interests to rid ourselves of as much of it as possible.


Now, they may have the right to act as they do, but I also have the same given right to disagree with them as many others do. We also have the right to civilly run them into the ground if the situation is deemed appropriate, and those that do deserve respect.


This isn't a clear cut world where misanthropic ideals can be practiced with any degree of success. Oh, and saying that it's not rational to pay mind to those that don't have one is a fallacy in itself. If everyone operated on the same mental level as they did, there would be no rational thought. In fact, they would probably splinter off into some sub-terranean terrorist organization or something of the like. Capable people are supposed to govern over the masses, right? Even those incapable of logical thought.

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