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Halo: Reach Beta comes to XBL May 3


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The halo reach multiplayer beta is only 3 days away from being released the Halo Reach beta is avalible only to those who own a copy of Halo 3 ODST


I WILL stay up all sunday night and attempt to aquire it the minute it is available (if it is uploaded at exactly 12:00-12:01)


i want to be one of the first people to own it


PS: for those who do not know my profile pic is a pic of VIRGL the AI from Halo 3 ODST


PSS: If anyone shows disrespect to halo in this thread i WILL be forced to post a pic of my entire halo collection



Edited by shad0w440
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well It could have had a matchmaking

but weeman think of it from a game engine view

to do something like this on a source game and JUST make it an expansion would be very impractical as they would have to tweak the game engine and mechanics to the point where it would have soe compattabllity issuses with the Halo 3 version





Edited by shad0w440
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Skillless game is skillless.


Halo 3 lasted me from when the COD4 beta ended until the actual game came out.


Brb, can't shoot 4 times so will play game that you only shoot once and he dead.


Anyway, yes Halo 3 was skilless too, Halo CE was the only good Halo game of the series, and I don't know if it's worth digging up my old xbox 360 to play Halo Reach.


Only play Reach if it plays like CE. :bazooka:

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well It could have had a matchmaking

but weeman think of it from a game engine view

to do something like this on a source game and JUST make it an expansion would be very impractical as they would have to tweak the game engine and mechanics to the point where it would have soe compattabllity issuses with the Halo 3 version







Thats uh.. a pretty big collection you have there.. haha

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well It could have had a matchmaking

but weeman think of it from a game engine view

to do something like this on a source game and JUST make it an expansion would be very impractical as they would have to tweak the game engine and mechanics to the point where it would have soe compattabllity issuses with the Halo 3 version






all of that probably costs more then my house

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