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Official Starcraft 2 Identifier thread


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We'll probably need an actual forum for this kind of stuff in the future, but a thread should do it well enough.


Post your Identifiers!


Wingless = Wingless.wingless

Doobie = Doobienuts.hellsgamers

LaMigra = LaMigra.hellsgamers

ttaM = ttaM.awkwrdturtle

Lamp - lamp.sadpanda

Weeman - weeman.whowasphone

Hamhugger - hamhugger.hamhugger

Terry - chavizzle.neverwins

Den - den.sadpanda

Prius - Prius.isfat

Clams - Clams.hellsgamers

Faithless - Faithless.joeyoung

Edited by Wingless
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Identifiers are apparently defunct now. We'll probably want to figure out a more secure way to get a hold of each other that doesn't involve plastering your email address all over the internet. Provided you feel like sharing your names anyway.

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