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[HG] Church (Racism)


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[HG] Church disconnected SteamID STEAM_0:0:19434969


1. Name: [HG] Church

2. Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:19434969

3. Server: Jailbreak

4. Reason: Racism

5. Proof: (see screens below)

6. Comments: Okay, so I just got finished telling someone on the server that their jokes against Jewish people were disrespectful and slightly boardline racist to some, so I'd asked them to stop. Then a few started a lengthy conversation to why racism is bad, this and that (one guy saying he thinks racism is funny). Church decided to chime in with what was a racist joke. I kicked him. He came back claiming that the joke "wasn't racist". BULL!. Read it, that's racist, it's offensive, and it's clearly not needed on the server. Joking or no, people of the server see that as offensive.




P.S. I'm sorry sorry, but I didn't think/pay attention or see him being an admin until AFTER I kicked him. I just saw the racism and delt with it. I'm so sorry and didn't mean to use against another admin.



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Hello, Siphaed,


Our Staff will process your report/request as soon as they are able. To ensure your report/request is completed as quickly as possible, we ask that you complete the following forms based on the type of request you are making, as follows:


Abuse: http://www.hellsgamers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23


Ban Request: http://www.hellsgamers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18


Unban Request: http://www.hellsgamers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20


T-List Request: http://www.hellsgamers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13166


Please note that our Staff members are not always able to immediately respond to all threads, and we ask that you please be patient while process your request/report.



If you feel that your issue is pressing and needs immediate attention, feel free to join our Ventrilo:


IP: vent.hellsgamers.com

Port: 4198



Thank you again for your support in submitting this report/request. We always welcome community assistance with server policing.



The HG Staff and Council

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Exactly you don't get it because it wasn't supposed to be racist. It was supposed to be anti-humor like...


A guy walks into a bar. He hit his head pretty bad and is now being treated for a concussion.


It's stupid. How is pointing out that the difference between a masked vigilante and your average African American racist? What's the difference? Well one is black that's the difference. Oh and one is also a vigilante.


Siphaed I really think your reason for buying admin is to get other admins/people in trouble for honestly stupid things. Didn't your posting rights in one of the forums get removed because of something similar?


Not racism yo.

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Siph stop turning jailbreak into HG vs HG

This is the exact reason why member no longer like going into jailbreak including many others and I

(I know my post is gonna get deleted need to be said)

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