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Jurassic Park

Lee Lemon

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Yeah the book explains, in explicit graphic detail, a lot more about the dinosaur attacks. It also has a lot more scenes that I thought were awesome but were cut almost entirely from the movie. Like in the movie they never mention the Atrium, which in the book is where they have pterodactyls.


And yeah you're definitely right about there being way more dinosaurs. 2 Tyrannosaurs as compared to the movies 1, and plus 8 Velociraptors and like 50 something hatchling and juvenilles in the book.


Not my favorite movie all time, but nonetheless a good movie. Surprisingly, unlike most movies, the second was almost just as good.

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The book was way better. In the movie, it focused way too much on Sam Neil's character compared to the overall actions of the park. It also severely neglected several key scenes that enhanced the story. Also, since the book takes longer to read than watching the movie, it adds a deeper feel for the suspenseful scenes.

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