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I'm Quicked Out of My Apartment!!!!


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Hey guys, so i just got asked to leave my basement appt. by my landlord today because of a situation that happened last night. I took one of my snake's ceramic heat lamps off his tank last night cause I had them all out up there with him and I forgot to turn it off when I set it on the stack of shoebox lids that I always sit it on it apparently began to smolder. Well my landlord was checking out the snakes and all and then my friend said my apartment had smoke in it so we ran downstairs and the lamp had burnt through three pieces of cardboard and caused quite a bit of smoke and no damage to anything of the apt. Well, for some reason he asked me to leave today and said that the reason was "not" that incident but that he didnt care for my pets because they "should be out in the wild" and abunch of other shit that didnt make any sense. But anyways, now I'm having to go back to the parents house, which isn't all that bad, faster internet speed by far and multiple monitors, lol. But just letting u guys know! Much Love for the Clan!!

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It should be a pretty standard law that you have to be given x number of days before you have to be out of your apartment when evicted. Also, per typical landlord-tenant laws, they need to have documentation of wrongdoing on your part before evicting you. Furthermore, if you're not being evicted, you have to be given 30 days notice AFTER your lease expires if your landlord won't be allowing you to renew or stay month to month.


Also, if what kinds of pets you're allowed aren't defined and you're not breaking any laws by having said pets (ferrets in CA, for example) the landlord saying no to snakes won't hold up in court.


Your mileage may vary depending on local laws. Either way, I'd probably go the "suing the landlord for breach of lease" route. Small claims court, yo!

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